"ok I'm just gonna take yoongi to the grandmothers around here, they really want to meet him," namjoon nods and gives him a kiss before leaving to the living room. Yoongi was coloring on some paper when namjoon walked over.

"daddy will see you later okay?" namjoon kisses his cheeks and sets him back in his spot. 

"anyeong appa," he waves from the front door. Namjoon sends them one last kiss before driving off. Seokjin walks yoongi back inside towards his bedroom. Yoongi hasn't met anyone in the neighborhood except jinyoung. Though he's shy seokjin is sure he won't be after he gets lots of treats from the other neighbors.

"come on my sweet boy we have people to see," yoongi obediently tries to change his own clothes, he gets his shirt on backwards and struggles with his little shorts but soon they're ready to go. Yoongi holding seokjins fingers and excited to go outside.

They walk their way to each home introducing themselves, well yoongi introduces himself. The women coo as he bows as best as he can. Namjoon had taught him how to properly greet people even if he trips over his words a little. The women coo and squeeze his little cheeks before giving him sweets. Yoongi is so happy.

"aigoo! Look how small he is!" one of the elder women who lives in the neighborhood coos. She's bouncing yoongi on her knee, he laughs excited as he sucks on his lollipop she gave him.

"he's about 3 years old," seokjin didn't actually know how old he was but the doctor had given them an estimate. They feel a little bad about not even knowing his birthday but the estimate was as close as their getting.

"don't worry yoongi we'll be your favorite grandparents here," the woman's husband says, they all laugh.

So far everyone has been so caring towards yoongi. They greet him with open arms and lots of affection, something yoongi loves. Seokjin has his arms full of sweets from pies to cookies and candies. He'll have to hide them really carefully from both yoongi and namjoon. They're not that sneaky.

"whenever you need a babysitter you know we are all here for you dear," the woman grabs seokjins hand. Her name is jeon inhwa and she was the nicest to seokjin and namjoon from the minute they moved in. yoongi had really taken a liking to her. Currently he was falling asleep in her arms, snuggling up to her.

Yoongi really took affection from anyone which worried seokjin a little, but he's still young. He still has a long life ahead of him to learn.

"of course thank you, I guess it's time for us to head home now," seokjin carefully takes yoongi from her. He leans down to hug and kiss them both goodbye. He receives some meat and a promise from inhwa that she'll be knitting a blanket for yoongi soon. With a final goodbye he makes his way back home.

He takes this time to gather his thoughts. He tries to leave his worries behind as he makes his way down the street. He's been stressing and he knows it's not good. He has a child now and he should be healthy for him, for namjoon too. He always scolds namjoon for not taking care of himself but he should do the same. He makes a promise to start taking care of himself more just as he reaches their home.

"yoongi you're getting heavy," he complains with a fond smile as he walks inside and lays him on the couch. Its only 4 so he has time to relax a little himself.

He sits next to yoongi's sleeping form and watches some television. He doesn't know why he's been so wound up recently. Even before yoongi showed up he thinks back to how stressed he would always be. Seokjin always had some anxiety issues, nothing too bad but sometimes it just got the best of him.

But with this new promise he's made he will try his best to work on it. So he kicks his feet up and relaxes his tense shoulders. Maybe he'll take a bath when namjoon gets home. Maybe he'll ask inhwa to watch yoongi for a while so him and namjoon can have some alone time. They love yoongi to death but seokjin knows they need some alone time every once in a while, same goes for jinyoung.

After watching television for a while seokjin reaches over and picks up yoongi. He walks into namjoon and his bedroom and lays them both down on the bed. He wishes namjoon was there so they could all cuddle up, then again they do that pretty much every day. He holds yoongi close and closes his eyes. He cherishes these moments now because as much as he hates the thought one day these moments will be gone. Its years away but time speeds up so suddenly you barely realize it. So he makes sure to make the most of these little moments. He hopes they'll have many more precious moments together, all 3 of them.

And who knows maybe sometime in the future there will be more little ones.

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