Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Winn and Lena were sitting in the car in silence. Winn was too busy concentrating on the road while trying to wrap his head around the fact that his best friend was an alien while Lena was staring out of the window.

After all of the anger subsided, guilt was there waiting for her. Guilt for being so damn selfish. She automatically assumed that Kara didn't trust her because of her last name, but that wasn't it at all. It was because Kara was told to lie the second she came here.

There were still so many unanswered questions like;

Kara said she was 13 years old... what would make a 13 years old come to earth all alone?

Why wasn't she living with her cousin in Metropolis?

How come Kara was living with the Danvers?

Winn was thinking the exact same questions but he was angry at himself for not seeing or understanding the pain that Kara was in.

He felt selfish, he had always thought that Kara was protected from this world's harsh realities, which was the reason for Kara's kindness, humbleness and compassion.

But now... now he didnt know why Kara was so kind.

He didn't understand how Kara could be so loving when she was told, the day that she learn't the English language, that humans couldn't be trusted.

"Do you think she hates me?" Winn muttered quietly, his question broke Lena from her thoughts.

Lena was confused, if Kara was going to hate anyone it would be her, "Why would she be mad at you? You didn't presume to understand what she was going through... she's probably pissed at me more than anything", the event still replayed in her mind.

"You don't understand"

Kara was right, they didn't understand. They still didn't know what Kara was going through. She suffered from nightmares every night that reminded her just how much she had lost.

But they didn't know that, so how were they supposed to help her when they couldn't understand what she was going through?

"Why did you get so mad?" Winn didn't understand why Lena reacted the way she did, she only knew Kara for 6 months while he had known her for over a whole year.

Lena shook her head, "It's different for me"

"How?" How could it have been different for her? He cared for Kara just as much as she did. She had no right to use that excuse on him, Kara had always been there for them. No matter what happened, no matter how different they were, Kara would always stay, even if it hurts.

Lena bit her lip, thinking about her answer, "You don't... you don't feel the same way I do"

Winn scoffed at this, "I care for Kara just as much as you do"

Lena heard how Winn took offence to her statement and rolled her eyes, "You don't love her like I do"

"I love Kara like my sister just like you do" Winn shouted angrily

"For fuck sakes Winn!" Lena shouted throwing her hands in the air, "I don't love her like my bloody sister"

Winn still didn't get the memo, "How could you no-...OH" everything finally clicked, "Wait, you're a lesbian?"

"Seriously Winn, that's the first question you ask?" Lena shouted back, she literally just told Winn that she was in love with Kara, and the first thought that came into his mind was, 'you're a lesbian'

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