Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

A/N: Hey Guys! Thank you all for the reviews and I hope that you guys enjoyed your day. Hopefully this chapter either makes your day better or worst... ANYWAY, i hope you enjoy. BYE!

"Please don't go out there" Kara begged for her sister to stay, she grabbed onto her sister's sleeve, trying to pull her back down.

"Kara" She bent down to look at her sister in the eye, "I need to protect you... I need you to be safe"

"What about you? Kira please don't leave me" Kara cried, she was only 10 years old at the time, she was scared and didnt understand what was happening.

Kira's eyes were flowing with tears, "I'm so... so sorry Kara... I love you", she kissed her sister on the forehead. The banging on the door got louder and louder.

"No Kira... Don't" Kara begged and begged for her sister not to go out there.

"Don't look... please close your eyes and don't look" Kira stopped hiding behind the desk and started to walk into the middle of the room, "Please Kara" She whispered ever so softly, "Don't look"


The door collapsed to the ground forcefully and men with laser weaponry came barging in.

"Kirana-Zor-El. You will be executed for your crimes" one of the men spoke in a low voice

"For what?" She mustered up all of the courage that she possibly could, "For protecting my people? My home?"

"For committing sins that even Rao cannot forgive"

Kira shook her head, "I did what I did to protect my family, and I would kill him again to save this planet from his grasp"

"In the Name of Rao, you will be punished on behalf of the Daxamite Kingdom"

Kira scoffed at this, she looked into the eyes of her killer, she wasn't afraid. No, she was going to look death in the eye.

"NO!" Kara screamed, she jumped out of her hiding spot.

"Kara NO!" Kira shouted, she turned around quickly to see Kara with tears streaming down her sister's face. She didn't want her little to see this...



Her body collapsed to the ground. Eyes white and still wide open. Blood was pouring out from the side of her mouth.

Kara shot up from her desk screaming for her sister, "KIRA" she shouted. She looked around the room and remembered that she wasn't on krypton anymore.

She clenched her chest trying to slow down her heart rate, tears streamed down her pale face. She let out a painful sob as she clutched her chest.

She tried to shake the image of her sister's dead body out of her head, everything was too much. She needed to see Alex, she looked over to Alex's bed and noticed that the bed was empty.

"Alex" Kara screamed, she jumped out of her chair and scanned the house for any sign of life. She knew that Eliza was working late again, but where the hell was Alex?

"Oh Rao, where is she?" Her voice was shaky as she ran downstairs and picked up the home phone that was lying on the table, "What was her number?" she tried to remember Alex's number.

She dialled a number and let it ring, every second only made her anxiety worse, "Please Alex" she begged into the phone.

She dialled a different number hoping that it was Alex's, the phone just kept ringing and ringing, "For Rao's sake" Kara cried into the phone. Her tears falling from her eyes onto the phone on the table.

Midvale HighOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora