Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Warning: Heavy Homophobia...

Alex sat on the plain dinner table with Maggie sitting next to her, the awkward silence was almost excruciating. She didn't know how Maggie handled it.

Maggie's mother cleared her throat and looked at Alex who was playing with her food, "So, Alex. Tell me about yourself. Maggie never mentioned you before" her voice was attacking, but not at Alex, it was towards her daughter.

Maggie rolled her eyes and bit back a scoff, Alex had told her that she could handle herself if her parents started to attack her.

"There's not much to tell" Alex replied calmly as she picked up the glass of water, and took a sip of it, trying to get rid of the dryness in her throat.

"I'm sure there is... tell me about your family" she persisted, Maggie wasn't sure if Alex wanted to talk about her family or if there was even a story to tell.

Alex drank the water and wished it magically turned into alcohol, "Well, my mum is Bio-Engineer who's currently working in metropolis and my dad is... well, he left us last year out of nowhere, so I don't really know where or what he is doing" Maggie placed her hand over Alex's, she knew how Alex felt about her father.

Maggie didn't need to look up to see her father's scowling look, but she ignored it.

"Us?" Maggie's mother asked

"Pardon?" Alex asked with confusion.

"You said us, implying that you and?"

"Oh, I have a little sister named Kara" Alex said, she wasn't going to say that Kara was adopted, especially when she didn't tell Maggie.

"Is she a lesbian to?" Maggie's father quipped in, Alex instantly shot him a glare. She didn't care if they were attacking her, but no body attacks her sister.

Maggie was also ready to shout at her father for attacking Kara. She and Kara may not talk that much, but she didn't like the someone picking up on the bubbly little girl. She knew it sounded hypocritical.

Plus, she could tell that something was going on with Kara, she wasn't sure what. But she remembered the heart wrenching scream that echoed through the house in the middle of the night, the first time she slept at the Danvers house

"John" Maggie's mother scolded her husband at his harsh tone.

"She has a girlfriend, if that is what you are asking" Alex replied harshly, she didn't like his tone,

"And that's really none of your business" Maggie chimed in with an edge to her voice.

John clenched his fists tightly, "It is my business when my daughter is having some weird... fling, with another girl for attention"

"Excuse me?" Maggie shouted at her father with great offence, "You think that I'm dating Alex just for attention?" she shouted angrily. She slammed her palm against the table and stood up from her chair.

John scoffed and stood up from his chair, also slamming his palm against the table, "You never liked girls before, so why now? Why are you acting out?"

Maggie couldn't believe what she was hearing. Her father thought that she was just going through some phase, "I'm not acting out for her and the only reason why haven't dated any other girls yet, is because they weren't Alex. I love her and if you can't accept that, then... I don't want you to be a part of my life"

Alex grabbed her girlfriends hand and gently squeezed it, she knew how hard this was for Maggie.

Alex had talked to her mum about Maggie, she had asked her mother if it was okay for Maggie to stay with them, even if it was for a short period of time. Eliza was barely home, and when she was, she always had to leave early in order to go to work, so she didn't have a problem with it. Plus, she only wanted Alex to be happy.

Midvale HighOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora