Chapter 24

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This animatic is my life. I love it. Happy belated birthday to Hussie (AKA the owner of my soul)

You're P.O.V

The plane landed and you and Eridan made it to your hotel. Once you were situated, you and Eridan decided to order pizza. After a while of just watching TV you remembered that you promised to call. You get out your phone and FaceTime Sollux first. He answers after two rings.
"Hey, y/n! How wa2 the fliight?" He was sitting against a wall in his room, you assumed.
"Oh, the flight went well." You smiled, remembering Aaron. "We just got situated in the hotel room. It's such a nice hotel, I've gotta make sure to thank Porrim for getting us one this nice." You talked for a couple minutes before he had to go. You called Porrim and she didn't answer weird you thought as you tried Kanaya. She, thankfully, answered quickly.
"Hello, Y/n, You Had A Safe Flight, I Can See. Do You Like The Hotel? It's Within Walking Distance To The Rodgers, So We Figured You Guys Would Enjoy That."
"Yes, Kanaya, we love the hotel. It's so lovely." There's a knock on the door and Eridan goes to answer it with the money for the pizza. You turned to see him walk to the door before turning back to Kanaya. "Hey, pizza just got here. I'll talk to you guys sometime later."
"Alright, Good Bye. Have Fun!" She ended the call and you put away your phone. You turned and saw Eridan coming back to where you sat with the pizza and breadsticks. You smiled before grabbing a slice of pizza.

~~~~Time Skip to Hamilton~~~~

You walked into the Rodgers Theater with Eridan. You went to find your seats and he said he'd meet you in there. You figured he had to go to the bathroom and went into the seats. You sat down and watched for Eridan so you could signal to him where you were. After a few minutes you saw him walk into the auditorium and you waved him down. He saw you and made his way to you. You sat down and talked until it began. You watched intently. Everyone was so good. There was nothing like seeing it live. They were so much more in character and there was way more emotion in their lines. You loved every second of it. Sadly, it ended and you filed out along with everyone else. Once outside Eridan handed you a bag. You had been so caught up in the moment with the musical, you hadn't even noticed it. Upon opening it, you discovered a playbill, a #YayHamlet shirt, and a Hamilton hoodie. You smiled widely, hugging him. You decided to get dinner at a small diner you had seen when walking around the day before. You got dinner and headed back to the hotel. You weren't paying attention and you ran into someone. You both fell and you started apologizing as you stood.
"I'm so sorry. Are you oka-" you finally got a good look at who you bumped into and stoped mid sentence. You had run into Daveed Diggs. You started fan(gender)ing "omg. You're Daveed Diggs."
He lafed, a smile tugging at his lips, and looked down at himself "So it seems I am. It's okay, by the way, you didn't see me."
You couldn't pull the smile off your mouth. "I'm sure you get this all the time, but would you be willing to sign my playbill?" He smiled and nodded, pulling a Sharpie from his pocket as you handed the playbill to him.
"Well, I gotta go. Hope you enjoy you're stay in NYC!" He took off again and you continued your way to the hotel. Nothing could ruin your mood now. ((Edit, I thought of this and I need to add it))
As you and Eridan walked back to the hotel he looked at you with a smirk, trying to contain laughter "looks like he really... Digged you." You laughed and hit his arm lightly as you kept going.

Hey guys. I'm trash. I was supposed to finish this two days ago, but obviously didn't. The next chapter is gonna get a little.. steamy. So be ware. Have a great life guys!

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