Chapter 14

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Honestly I have no idea what's gonna happen.

Eridan's P.O.V.

I woke up with y/n asleep on my shoulder. Careful not to wake them, I got up and walked to the bathroom and change into a new set of clothes. I avoided going upstairs, luckily I had put my stuff in the guest bedroom, which was on the main level. After I had finished I went into the kitchen and brewed f/hd (hot drink). Y/n woke up while I was doing so. They came in to the kitchen, drowsily, and grabbed two bowls and filled them with Life cereal and went to the to the fridge to get milk. I brought the mugs out to the table and sat down. A moment later y/n came out with the cereal. They placed one in front of me and sat down next to me. I sighed contently, things almost seemed normal. Besides the sharp pain in my ankle every time I took a step and the slight headache it seemed as though nothing had happened. I found myself taking in every detail of y/n, as though this was the last time I was ever going to see them. A feeling I couldn't quite describe. I recognized it as a flush feeling, but it was... different than it had be with Feferi. I think the human word for that was infatuation, but with y/n it was completely different in the best way. They were... perfect. The way their face lights up when they laugh or smile. Their hair, eyes, and don't get me started on their personality. It's unique and fits them perfectly. I hadn't realized I was staring, zoning out does that to ya, until y/n started waving a hand in front of my face.
"Eridan. Ya in there?" I shake my head slightly, snapping out of my thoughts. "You good? Geez, you look like you were having an 'all wars flashback'."
I smiled slightly, "Yeah, sorry just zoned out for a minute. Did you say somefin?"
They rolled their eyes playfully. "I just mentioned that you were being uncommonly quiet." They thought for a moment before adding, "Wanna talk about it?" I nodded quietly, they deserved to know what happened to their house anyway.

*Flashback start*

Cro and I had just spent the day hanging out at y/n's hive all day, since he insisted that I not be alone. We had been just having some idle talk before Cro ask a very specific question. "Do you have a flush crush on y/n?" After a moment he added "I mean they vwere the first person you went to after evveryfin went down, and I knovw that Mituna's brother is their moirail. So vwhats the deal?" I sat there, debating whether or not to tell him, but before I could answer my phone buzzed. 'Hey, I'm staying the night at sol's, feel free to stay at my hive. Cronus too. I'll be back sometime tomorrow, text me if anything happens'.
"y/n's not coming back tonight, but they said that we could stay here." I sighed, slightly disappointed that they weren't coming back tonight. He nodded, a smug look on his face. "Wwhat? Wwhat are you looking at me like that for?"
"Eri's got a flush~" he sang teasingly. My face heated and I knew I was blushing.
"Wwhatevver," I looked at the clock, it was getting late. "I'm going to bed. G'night." He replied with a soft 'night' before I got to the room.
I woke up the next morning, got dressed, and Cro and I decided to go and spend the day around town. We got some lunch and then went to the beach. We didn't get back to y/n's hive until about sixish. I expected them to be home and was surprised when they weren't. We hadn't been there for ten minutes before a loud, booming knock sounded at the door, followed by the slur of my father's drunken voice "Get your asses out here and nobody's gonna get hurt." Cro motioned for me to go upstairs, but I wasn't leaving him down here by himself.
  Yeah it's.  nice and "Go, its fine. I get Kankri and vwe'll be able to get help. Go hide so he won't find you I'll make shore he thinks your not here." I reluctantly went up and into y/n's bedroom, since it was furthest from the stairs. I hid in their closet, looking for something to protect myself. Luckily, I found an old wooden baseball bat. I heard yelling downstairs, but I couldn't make out what was being said. Finally I heard Dualscar's heavy footfalls coming up the stairs, along with various things falling over. I sat there and listened as he went through every room, crying silently. I heard the door open and held the bat, ready to swing. I couldn't see anything through the small crack in the doors, so I had to rely on his footsteps to gauge where he was. He seemed to go to leave, but stopped, presumably noticing the closet, his footsteps grew louder before the door was ripped open and I swung hard as I could. In that moment I didn't care what or where I hit, I just wanted him to get away. He gasped in surprise and fell, out cold, next to the bed. I sat down and tears fell from my eyes. I had texted y/n about ten minutes ago and hoped they were close. Just then I got a text from Cro, explain that he and Kankri were in their way and not to move. I texted him back and explained what I did. He didn't seem that upset, saying that it was good I was able to defend myself. Al of a sudden I hear the door creak open, revealing y/n I yell out in joy, tackling them in a hug.

*Flashback end*

I told them everything, except the part about having a flush crush. They sat and listened patiently, their eyes filling with sadness.

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