Chapter 4

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Eridan's P.O.V.

I walked out of the sea, heading for y/n's hive, when i saw Sollux walking in the same direction. I caught up to him. "Hey, Sol." I say, walking next to him. He looked over at me.

"oh, 2up Ampora." he continues to walk. we reach the clearing that cro and I had found y/n crying. seeing it made me remember it.

"hey, sol do you knoww wwhy y/n was sitting on the beach cryin a feww nights ago?" I ask. He looks at me with what seemed like anger, sadness, and... Guilt? wwhy wwould he be guilty? I wonder to myself.

"how'd you know about that?" he practically yells

"cro and i wwere comin up onto land and wwe saww them sittin up here cryin. wwhen i caught up to them they told us how a friend had confessed his flush crush to her and they declined. They seemed pretty upset about it and they thought that they wwouldn't be able to be friends anymore because he just left her sittin there. They were in really bad shape so cro wwalked them home." I explained to him. maybe he knows who this 'friend' is.

"WHAT!? that fucking nook 2niiffer! ii'm gonna cull that ba2tard. what diid he do to them, he diid 2omething. ii know he diid." He's actually yelling now. "me." he gestures to himself "ii wa2 that 'friend'." Then guilt washed over him. "ii-ii made them cry?"

"wwhale, i don't think you did, specifically, but in a sense yeah." I try to stay calm, but the thought that he had done that to her infuriated me. "and howw dare you talk about cro like that! you don't evven knoww him."

"ii don't even know why your standiing up for hiim, you hate hiim!" Sollux was angry again, great.

"he's my brother, sol. of course i'm gonna stand up for him when you start accusin him for no reason." I was doing my best to stay calm. "you knoww wwh-" I look up and see y/n standing there. Sollux said something, but I didn't really hear him. I was looking at y/n, trying to get her to leave. They look at me questioningly.  Sollux finally looks up at me, then turns around. seeing y/n. They look at him weirdly and I looked over at him. He was perfectly calm.

"hey, y/n. what are you doiing here??" He asks

They walk over to us "Nothing, really I was just going for a walk and I saw you two over here. So I came over here to see what you guys were doing." They replied calmly, she continued walking until they stood about a foot away from us. "So, what are you doing here, I thought you hated the beach?"

Sollux replies with "ii do, but ii was on my way to your hiive when this a22hole tried to stop me." he gestured toward me and they looked at me expectantly.

"wwhat! no, i wwasn't tryin to stop him. i wwas just curious to wwhat he wwas doin. and wwhen i wwent to talk to him he bleww up on me accusin cro of somefin stupid." They studied me carefully, like as if they were fighting themself on whether to believe me or not.

Finally, they say "What did he say about Cronus?"

I didn't want to tell them right here in front of Sollux. So I decide to say "could wwe talk in privet? there's somefin i need to tell you, anywway." Thankfully they agree and, after they tell Sollux that they'll go to his hive to talk, they lead me to their hive.

Ok, So Before I Go, I Just Wanted To Thank You Guys! I Never Thought That I Would Get 10 Reads, Let Alone 207! So, Thank You, And I'll See You In The Next Chapter. Bye!!

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