Chapter 13

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Your P.O.V.

You open the door, anticipating something horrible, and you were greeted with... nothing. Nepeta walks in after you and looks at you're confused face. "What's wrong, n/n?" You show her the text and she gasps "I'll help you look around, he could be hiding furrom whatever scared him so badly." You nod, too shocked to speak. She starts looking around and something told you to go upstairs. As you head upstairs it gets worse. Pictures fallen off the walls, dents in doors, but there wasn't any blood, thankfully. The closer to your room you got, the more it looked like something bad had happened. You finally reach your door, it was closed to perfectly. Every instinct in your body told you to turn tail and run, but you weren't going to leave Eridan. He could be in there. You tried not to imagine the terrible things that might of happened. You take a deep breath, opening the door. The room was a pigsty, everything thrown everywhere. You spot something-no, someone- on the floor. You start walking toward them before your being tackled, you eyes widen as you fall. Once you've gained your bearings you realize you being hugged. You hug back automatically, in that moment not caring who they were. They pull away and you realize it's Eridan, his eyes puffy from crying.
"E-Eridan?" You cry out, tears of joy welling up in your eyes as you hug him again. "You're okay. I was so worried I thought you had gotten hurt.. or worse." You finally pull away from the embrace and look at him, "what happened? And who is that?" You gesture to the mysterious figure. He stands up, you follow quickly.
"That's Dualscar.. my dad. C'mon, Cro's on his way. We can deal with him once he gets here." He looks over and sees Nepeta standing in the doorway, visibly flinching. She, however, is shaking with excitement, probably trying to keep herself from screaming. "Howw long havve you been standing there?" She smiles more.
"I heard a thud so I came up here to check on n/n. Turns out mew had just tackle-pounced them!!" He shooshed her, pointing towards Dualscar's unconscious body. She nods in understanding and walks back downstairs, you two follow behind a little, lacing your fingers together. You noticed he was leaning on you and limping heavily. Once you got into the living room you helped him sit down and looked at his ankle. It's swollen, but you weren't an expert. You sent Nepeta into the bathroom to get some gauze and painkillers, once she came back you wrapped his ankle and handed him the pills and a glass of water. You sat next to him and he leaned his head on your shoulder. Nepeta soon announced that she was going to go back to her hive, before Equius got too worried. Cronus and Kankri show up and waist no time. Kankri going and checking on Eridan and Cronus starting up the stairs. You follow him, knowing Kankri was more than qualified to take care of Eridan. Cronus looks at you and you lead him back to your room, where Dualscar was, thankfully, still unconscious. Cronus goes over to him and starts dragging him, you go and help him, wondering what he's gonna do with him. Jegsus he's heavy. Cronus looks at you, trying to figure out what you know. You shrug slightly, showing him you knew literally nothing. You continued to carry him outside, where you noticed Cronus' car with the back door open.
Cronus looked at your face "don't worry, I'm just gonna take him home and, hopefully, he's so drunk he wont remember any of this." 
You nod "hopefully. Do you need someone to go with you?" You add after a moment. He shakes his head.
"No, I wouldn't want you to be in danger. I'll be fine, he probably won't wake up anyway. Eridan needs you more. I'll be back in a while." With that he gets in the drivers seat and drove off. You walk back inside where Kankri had rewrapped Eridan's ankle, giving it a thorough check. You sat down next to Eridan, listening to Kankri ramble about twisted ankles and the best ways to heal, mostly just keeping it elevated and resting. Cronus returned about half an hour later and convinced Kankri to let us rest, making sure I had both their numbers and knew you could call for anything. You put on Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban to make Eridan feel better. You both ended up falling asleep together.

Woo! Two chapters done. The next chapter is gonna explain what happened at your house, but until then. I'll see you in the next chapter, bye!

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