Chapter 1

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A/N hey welcome to my first Homestuck fanfic! Sorry if I get some quirks wrong. Anyways you know the drill
Y/N= your name
B/C= your blood color
H/C= hair color ect..
Your P.O.V

You were walking along the sea shore in Alternia with Sollux Captor. You knew he was flushed for you, but you didn't feel like that towards him. It was more of a moirail affection. You felt like you could tell him anything and he would listen. Then, you see an indigo and red striped blanket spread across the sand with a basket of your favorite human food and drinks.
"Sol, did you do this?" You ask
"yeah, do you liike iit?"
"It's beautiful!" You exclaim. He knew you loved the ocean. That's why he didn't like you talking to the Amporas, he thought they would make you have red or black rom feelings for one of them, witch you were surprised by since he knew you hated them. You were also surprised he agreed to walk with you, since he hated the ocean. (A/N Not sure if it's true just go with it for the sake of the story, please). He lays down on the blanket and opened the basket taking strawberries, chicken, and Coke-a-Cola out. Oh no, you thought, I hope this isn't going where I think it's going! You sit down next to him, watching the waves roll off the ocean.
"y/n?" He asks you
"Yes?" You reply
"well, ii don't really know iif you've noticed, but ii'm flushed for you." He says, and looks at you waiting for a response. You can't find any way to let him down easy so you just say, "I'm really sorry, Sol. I really am. It's just I don't feel that way. I feel like we could be moirails, but not matesprites." You say as his eyes start to water, but he was trying not to show it, and walks away. You sit there watching and feel yourself start to cry and you know that was probably the end of your friendship. You continue to cry for a while, not noticing two figures coming out of the water bickering, Eridan and Cronus Ampora. They see you and walk over. Cronus gets there first.
"Wvhats wrong, kitten?" He asks startling you. You jump a little and took up at him.
"Why would you care about a landdweller like me?" You spit.
"Wvhoa, there's no need for you to talk like that, doll." He laughs kneeling down next to you. Just then Eridan walks up.
"Of course she does, your a dick." He says in his thick accent, holding out a hand on your other side.
You ignore him and say, "Well if you must know my best friend just confessed his redness for me and I declined him and probably lost him forever." You say, very fastly, getting flustered with the brothers, and starting to cry again. They notice you and exchange glances and Cronus hugs you with one arm.
"Hey, it's okay, kitten. How about I take you back to your hive?" He says sounding generally concerned. All you can do is nod and stand up leaving Eridan there in astonishment with how quickly you changed your mind about Cronus.

Eridan's P.O.V

Howw did I let him talk me into this I wwonder. Cronus had talked me into going on land to 'be his wwing man' "Tell me wwhy I have to do this again." I complain as we get to the surface.
"Because you need to find a nice troll for yourself." He states. As wwe're on the shore I notice a troll siting in on a blanket wwith her head in her hands. Cronus notices too and walks over there. He beats me of course and I see him say something but I can't hear him. As I get closer they snap at him and I finally get close enough to hear him say "Wvhoa, there's no need for you to talk like that, doll." Of course he's using one of his signature names, he's probably already called her 'kitten'.
"Of course they do, your a dick." I say holing my hand out for them.
They ignore me and my hand drops. "Well, if you must know my best friend just confessed his redness for me and I declined him. And I probably just lost him forever." They say as they start to cry again. Cronus looks at me and I give him a look that says 'don't you even dare'.
He looked back at them and puts and arm around them. I was expecting them to shove him off and wwas surprised wwhen he said " Hey, it's okay, kitten. Howv about I take you back to your hivve" he actually sounded concerned and they nodded. He helped them up and wwalked awway leavving me there confused.

Well their you go 819 words. Hope you liked it!

Eridan x readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon