Chapter 3

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Hey Guys! Thank You So Much For Reading My Story Sorry For The Wait But I Couldn't Post Because I Haven't Had Internet For 3 Months And My School Blocked Everything Our IPads Even When Your On Your Own Internet. Just Some Info For The Chapter You And Kanaya Are Good Friends.

Your Pov

You and Kanaya leave Kurloz and Mituna to talk about whatever. "So how have you been, Kanaya?" you ask.

"I have Been Good, How Are  You?" She replies.

"Well, I had a pretty weird night last night," and you go in to telling her all about Sol and Cronus. You arrive at her hive and she invites you in. You go in and sit down. Porrim comes home a little later with Kankri, who waves at you, and they head upstairs. She gave you some pretty good advice, and you figured out a way to deal with your problems while she explained a dress that she was making for Aradia. It was getting dark and you had to go home. You say good bye to Kanaya and head to your hive. you get there and decide to make some food. you look in the cupboards and find some 'PopTarts' as John had called them. You follow the directions and took them out to the living room to watch a movie.

~~~Time Skip~~~

You woke up and decided to go for a walk. You put on your f/c shirt and blue jeans. You were walking along the shore when you heard shouting up ahead. You turned the corner and saw Sollux and Eridan arguing about something. You walked a little closer, so you could hear what they were saying without them seeing you.

"-up for hiim, you hate hiim!" Sollux was yelling, so he was easier to hear.

"he's my brother, sol. of course i'm gonna stand up for him when you start accusin him for no reason!" Eridan was a bit calmer, but you could tell he was angry about something Sollux must of said. I wonder what sol said to make him that upset. Especially about Cronus. You decided to go stop them, so you started walking towards them. Eridan notices you first and stops mid sentence while sollux kept arguing.

"what, cant think of anythiing el2e to 2ay ed. you know iim riight, ju2t 2top pretendiing liike you accualy care about that 2on of a biitch." Eridan is, however, unaffected by his taunts and just kind of looks at you like 'leave'. You give him a questioning look back. Finally, Sollux turns around and sees you, but he doesn't seem to calm down when he sees you, he just seems to get angrier. But then all of a sudden he was calm, like calm as Kanaya (Oh, Yeah! New Analogy). "hey, y/n. what are you doing here?" weird. hes acting like nothing happened the other night. 

"Nothing, really I was just going for a walk and saw you two over here. So I came over here to see what you guys were doing." you reply calmly, as you continue to walk towards them. "so, what are you doing here, I thought you hated the beach?"

"ii do, but ii wa2 on my way to your hiive when thiis a22hole triied to 2top me" He gestures towards Eridan and you look at him, waiting for him to defend himself.

"wwhat! no, i wwasn't tryin to stop him. i wwas just curious to wwhat he wwas doin. and wwhen i wwent to talk to him he bleww up on me accusin cro of somefin stupid." You could tell he wasn't lying, you can usually tell when someone is lying.

"what did he say about Cronus?" You ask, mildly curious.

"could wwe talk in privet? there's somefin i need to tell you, anywway." you, being your curious self, agree, making sure to tell Sollux that you'd go over to his hive tomorrow.

See You Guys In The Next Chapter!! Bye

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