Chapter 11

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Your P.O.V.
You get up and answer the phone "Hello?" You question, waiting for a response
"Hell9, is this y/n?" You recognize Kankri's voice on the other end.
"Yes, this is. Whatcha need Kankri?" You ask, saying his name partly so Eridan, who was standing on the other side of the receiver, could know who was calling
"Well, Cr9nus is extremely w9rried a69ut Eridan s9 I called t9 tell y9u that he is 9n his way 9ver." As if on cue someone knocks on the door and Eridan goes to answer it. Meanwhile Kankri is just rambling, mostly to himself, on about how it might be triggering for someone to just show up unannounced.
"Well, Kankri, Cronus just got here so I gotta go, ok?" You here a bye on the other end and hang up. Eridan and Cronus walk into the kitchen. "Hey Cronus." You smile at them.
"Hey, doll." He smiles at you. "I was just stoppin by to see Eridan." He looks over at Eridan, checking to see how much you know.
"It's ok, Cro, I told 'em evveryfin." He smiles slightly. "They've reely helped me wwith it" Cronus notices the bandage around his head and a look passes between them.
"Well, would you like some coffee, or anything?" You ask, they both shake their heads and you look at the clock, 10:30, shit I'm supposed to meet Sollux in an hour. They see your face drop and look at you questioningly. "I've gotta go, but feel free to stay here and talk if you need, just make sure you lock the door if you leave, ok?" Eridan nods and you run upstairs to get ready. You change into some actual clothes and brush your hair. As your walking down stairs you hear a knock, Cronus answers the door and you see Sollux standing there.
"Um, thii2 ii2 y/n'2 hiive riight?" He looks at Cronus with an awkward expression
"Yeah, wvanna come in?" He steps out of the doorway and Sullox walks in, seeing you.
"Hey, y/n, ready to go?" You nod and walk over to him, waving to them as you leave. You get into Sollux's car and he drives off. "2o, what wa2 that about? Why were they iin your hiive?" He asks, his tone more curious than accusing.
"Well, Eridan showed up last night, needing somewhere to stay, and Cronus came over a little while ago to check on him." He nods, not questioning you any further. You change the subject. "I thought we were gonna meet at the park?" You were genuinely curious.
"I figured I'd surprise you and take you to the mall." He smiles, knowing you liked to walk around the mall, but rarely bought anything that didn't come from either Hot Topic or Barnes n' Nobles. You two talked about random stuff, completely forgetting about last nights whole fiasco. Suddenly your phone rings and you answer it, the caller ID saying it was Cronus. "Hey, Cro."
"Where are they." There was a rough, deep voice on the other end, definitely not Cronus.
"Who is this?" You question, Sollux looks over at you, hearing the uncertainty in your voice
"Where the FUCK ARE THEY." He yells so loud you have to pull the phone away from your ear, Sollux hears it too and takes the phone.
"Who the fuck do you thiink you are, yelliing at them. They a2ked you a que2tiion." He yells into the phone, putting it on speaker.
He sighs "do you know where Cronus or Eridan are? I'vve been really worried." You detect the fake sincerity in his voice and anger fills you to the brim. You go to make an angry retort, but Sollux hangs up before you get a word out. You continue to the mall and hang out there for a while before heading to Sollux's hive for a movie night, since both Mituna and Psiionic were both going out you were planning on spending the night and you send Eridan a text telling him that you would be home in the morning.

Hey Guys! Today Was My First Day Of School, So Now I'm On A Schedule And You Can Expect More Frequent Updates From Me. I'm So Excited To Be Back, Mostly So I Can Start Learning Barry Sax!! Just In Case You Didn't Know, And It Wasn't Obvious, I'm A Total Band Geek. See You In The Next Chapter

**Edit** Ha.. Why do I lie so much?

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