Chapter 22

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Sup dudes, having a good day? I hope so. Even if your not hopefully these chapters help. Also, shout out to andankle. They're an awesome and funny person, go check 'em out and maybe give 'em a follow. Anyway, on wiTH THE CHAPTER
(Post writing) bc some stuff happened whilst writing that wasn't planned, TW: Mention of: Physical Abuse, Mental Abuse, Successful Suicide, Failed Suicide Attempts, HEAVY SHIT

Your P.O.V.

You woke up to the sound of someone knocking on your door. You got up from the couch and stretched Man, we really need to stop falling asleep on that thing. You answered the door to see Sollux. You smiled sleepily "Hey, honeybee!" You moved out of the way so he could come in.
"So, II 2ee you're 2tiil on that niickname." He chuckled as he moved inside. "Anyway, II'm here because II figured we could have an 'u2' day beefore you leave me for a week."
You nodded excitedly, "That sounds great! What did you have in mind?"
He smiled mischievously as he grabbed your wrist lightly "you'll 2ee." He led you out the door before you have time to realize you left Eridan asleep on the couch. Once you were in his car and driving down the road you sent a message to Eridan
C/n: Hey, Sollux is taking me.. somewhere, I don't know where yet. He wants to hang out with me before. Don't worry, I'll make sure we're back well before we're supposed to be at the airport <3
You sat back in your seat and watch out the window. Pretty soon you noticed you were pulling into the parking lot of your favorite place to get breakfast.
You gasp quietly "You don't have to do this, ya know."
He nods, putting the car in park "of cour2e II do, we're moiiraiils." He got out and you followed suit. You went in and he walked up to the hostess "re2ervatiion for 2ullox Captor." She nodded and led both of you to a booth, setting down the menus and walking away.
You sat down across from him and glanced at the menu "So, what do you have planned for today?" He opened his mouth to respond but just then a waiter came up (Because they ALWAYS do that).
"Hi guys, I'm Leslie, I'll your server today. Would you like to start with some drinks?" He held his pad and paper and looked at us expectantly
"Uhm, II'll just have a coffee, thank2." He smiled and turned to you.
"Oh, I'll have a *favorite juice*" Leslie nodded, writing down your orders and turned, walking to the kitchen. You turn back to Sollux so he can finish what he was about to say before the waiter came up.
He cleared his throat slightly "anyway2, II wa2 thiinkiing that we could go to the park. Ya know, the one where we met."
"Oh, yeah! That was a good day." You smiled, remembering that day. (Backstory, whaaaaaaaa)
You were running through a park, you weren't looking where you were going and ran straight into someone. You fell back with an 'oof' and looked up to see a young troll with double horns and red and blue glasses. "Oh, sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." The troll only smiled and held out a hand to you. It almost seemed like he didn't want to talk for some reason. You brushed it off and took a hold of his hand and stood back up. "I'm Y/n, who are you?"
He opened his mouth, but shut it, seeming to be trying to figure out something. He opened his mouth again, his eyes still conflicted "II'm 2ollux Captor..." He seemed.. embarrassed? Ashamed? You couldn't quite tell, either way you thought his lisp was adorable.
"Nice to meet you, Sollux, wanna hang out with me today?" He looked at you wide eyed in surprise before nodding
"That 2ound2 fun, Y/n."
You were snapped out of your reminiscing by a buzz in your pocket. You pulled out your phone and saw a message from Eridan
Eribabe (omg, that's my 666th word I cAN'T): Okay, havve fun. I'll probably hang out wwith Cro today. See you later. <3
I smiled and set down your phone as your drinks arrived. You thanked him and he took your orders. You ordered your favorite thing off the menu and Sollux got biscuts and gravy. You and Sollux just talked randomly until your food arrived. After you were done Sollux insisted on paying and you lost that argument and let him pay. As you were walking out you noticed a tall figure walking towards you. "Shitshitshit. Sollux we have to leave. Now." You started going faster as you stared at the ground hoping he didn't notice you. Of course he did, the author wouldn't of mentioned him if he didn't. Sollux puts and arm around you protectively, although you know he has no idea who this man is, he can tell he's upsetting you.
The man catches up "hey, Y/n, what are you doing here." You turn to look at him, your fingers clenching into a fist.
"I was having a nice day with my moirail. The real question is: What are you doing her, Jonathan." You spat at him, venom dripping from every word. You put extra emphasis on his name, knowing you'd hurt him at least a little.
He looked taken aback at his name and you noticed you were shaking. "What?" His whole figure tensed, "I am your FATHER AND YOU WILL REGARD ME IN THAT MANOR." His voice grew with every word, your pupils dilated as you remembered your (coughcoughmycoughcough) childhood. The yelling-no screaming nightly. Being afraid to breathe in the wrong direction. He never physically abused you, but he did them along with mentally. Bruised ribs, being shoved against walls. Watching as you did nothing to protect her because you were a child. What were you supposed to do? You came back to reality as you grew angrier, your fists closed tighter as your knuckles became white.
"No, your not. You never were. You don't fucking deserve that title, Jonathan." You didn't even bother to call him Jon like you, and everyone who knows him,  usually do. "Fathers don't treat their kids, wives, like you did and then just leave." You spoke through clenched teeth and Sollux put a hand on your shoulder. You had forgotten he was there, honestly. You never broke eye contact with Jon. He made a move towards you and you felt the hand on your shoulder tighten
"STAY AWAY FROM THEM." Sollux spoke suddenly and loudly. He had heard of Jon, but had never met him. You glanced over and he was staring at the 6'3 man with pure hatred. You shrugged off his hand and maneuvered your hand so he could see what you were signing 'go to the car, have either Kurloz or Eridan on dial in case anything happens'. He looked you in the eye before nodding slightly and walking to the car. Which was close, but not close enough for him to be in harm's way. You turned your attention back to Jon and sighed.
"Now, what the fuck do you want?" You crossed your arms and leaned slightly. He looked surprised at you swearing. You had always been quiet and weary of him growing up, he wasn't used to it.
"I want to be back in your life. I'm sorry. I've changed, I swear. I'm taking anger management classes, and we can get therapy like you wante-"
"I never wanted therapy with you. That was mom's idea because she thought I deserved a father in my life. She was right, I was a hella good one too. And I know you haven't changed. You're the reason mom killed herself. The reason Lily followed after her. The reason I tried and failed several times. You turned Kyle on me. Austyn hasn't talked to me since the last time I tried to off myself. You're the reason I moVED TO A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT STATE TO START OVER. I HATE YOU. GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY LIFE!!!" With that you stormed over to the car and got in the passengers side. Sollux had heard you yell, but nothing else. When he saw you turn and start to the car he got in and started it. He drove away once you buckled up with out a word. You didn't realize you were crying until everything got blurred by the tears. You pulled your knees into your chest and cried harder. "H-how did he f-find me?!" You didn't get or expect an answer. Sollux kept driving until he got to a small trail that you didn't recognize. He pulled you out and led you down it. As you walked you looked at the time and, even though it felt like it had lasted hours, it had only been about a half an hour since you walked out those restaurant doors. You eventually get to a clearing. You sat down on a blanket that was already set up. "You never planned on taking me to that park, did you?" He thought for a moment, before shaking his head
"Well, I wa2 goiing to 2top there for a miinute, then make iit seem liike II found out about thii2 traiil.." He trailed off, going quiet as he sat down next to you. You leaned on him. "Do.. do you wanna talk about iit? Liike, you've talked about some my2teriiou2 'bigoted a22' who wa2 your father once." You thought for a moment before nodding, he deserved to know.
"I guess I should, I need to tell someone before I implode." You took a deep breath, preparing yourself. You decided to start from the beginning, he deserved to know it all. "I barely remember being a kid. Not, like I can't remember anything before I was 7 or something. I remember stuff sence I was about three. At home, I was never allowed to act like a kid after 5 or 6 years old. In public, we we're the perfect family. Us kids behaved. Jon didn't yell. Mom was confident." Tears were already in your eyes as you thought about her. God you missed her. "I learned from my two older siblings fast. Don't speak out of turn, fess up to whatever your being accused of-even if it wasn't you- do exactly what your told perfectly. That's how lot was until I was 12. The year Mom finally got enough courage to divorce him. At first he made us feel like it was our fault. Everything was always our fault, never his. Then Austyn and Lily started to speak out against him. It was easier for them, I think. They had been brave enough to do it for years. He wasn't their biological father, anyway. That left Kyle and I. My 13th birthday came around and he seemed to be less of a complete dick. He took me, Kyle, my younger brother, and my best friend at the time tobogganing. He asked to bring a friend and I stupidly agreed, thinking it was one I had already met. It was his new girlfriend. They weren't even divorced yet and he had a girlfriend. Anyway, flash forward a few months and it's the first time I had to go to his house. It was a half day at school and I had accidently told him five minutes later than the actual time we got out. I was fine with waiting. But five minutes turned into ten, than twenty, and finally an hour and fifteen minutes. At an hour I was ready to walk back to my brothers school-who was going with me- and wait for him so we could go with to my mom's. Right as I was about to leave an office lady came out and told me he was on (2000 words, holy crap. Ill end soon, i swear) his way. I falsely believed him when he told me he got called in for an emergency at work." You paused to breathe as you recalled that day. "We picked up Kyle and went to his girlfriends house, where he was apparently staying. I had my own room in there, it was the only one that looked like a proper room. The rest of the house was all broken down and decaying. I stayed in there until I had enough of his lies, the obviously high people that were there, and everything else. I called my mom to come pick me up. I gave her the address and all I could do was wait. I hadn't unpacked anything. I didn't say anything in fear of repercussions. I waited until I heard a car pull in the driveway. I grabbed my bag and was stopped by Jon. He questioned me and I told him I was leaving. He ordered me to stay inside and ran out there with his whore of a girlfriend, who had called the cops, and I watched from the window. I couldn't hear what was being said, but when I saw that fucking whore shove my mother I was outside in an instant. Screaming at her to leave my mother alone. I hadn't even grabbed shoes. I went with my mom back to the car, as it had started raining after the cops showed up. The cops said I could go home with my mom and it was ruled an attack on her. Fast forward again to spring break where I spent an entire week crying because I was forced to go back. I never went back after that. I had started standing up for myself and he just dropped me like he did the other too. Thanksgiving rolled around and he sat in our driveway, preventing us from leaving. I went out there to give him a piece of my mind. He left. That was the last time I saw him before today. A couple years further, my mom and sister killed themselves in the same year. Kyle went to live with Jon, seeing as he had 50/50 custody. I went to my grandparents because the judge let me decide. That was the last time I saw my little brother. Austyns had moved out by then, but we kept in touch, seeing eachother often enough to keep a bond. I tried to kill myself 4 times because I thought this was all my fault. 4 times because I let him get to me. I didn't see Austyn after he drove me home from the hospital on my fourth attempt. A few months after that I moved here, met you and everyone else. I was happy for the first time in years." You finished you story, leaning on Sollux as tears poured from your eyes. He didn't say anything, tears coming from him as well. You stayed like that for a while before looking at the time. "We'd better go, I have a plane to catch."

Omg, I'm so sorry for that. This chapter was supposed to be pure fluff, but apparently not. 2518 words. Holy shit. Okay, so in case you missed my /not so/ subtle hint. Your back story is based off mine. Though, none of the death, brothers leaving is true. And I don't have that many attempts. I needed a reason for you to be alone. I went into so much detail for that one day because that actually happened. I just wrote and couldn't stop myself, so sorry for that. Please don't pitty me, or feel bad. I hate his guts and he deserves everything he gets. Your guys' comments on my Authors Note were so kind, so thank you. I'll see you in the next

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