Chapter 9

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Hello, Just A Heads Up This Part In The Book Has Skipped About A Month. Not Much Has Changed Except Cronus And Kankri Started A Matespriteship And You And Eridan Have Become Very Close, Almost Moirial Kind Of Close. Hope You Enjoy!
**Edit** when i wrote that i completely blanked on the fact that you had a moirail. Forgive me
Your POV

You wake up to someone knocking on your door. It was pitch black out and when you looked at your clock it read 2:15 am. Who would be here at 2 o'clock in the morning. You groggily get out of bed and open the door, it was hard to see but you'd recognize those lightning shaped horns anywhere. "Eridan? What are you doing here?" You ask, the concern heard clearly in you voice.

"I'm sorry if I wwoke you, Y/N. I just need somewhere to crash for a while. My dad.. He...." with that he broke down, sobbing into your arms. You just now realize that it's storming outside and he's soaking wet. You rub his back gently and realize that his head is bleeding. You pull away and look at him

"Here I'll go get you some new clothes and some bandage for your head. You just sit here and we'll talk when I get back. Okay?" He just nods and sits down on the couch. You run upstairs, grab the first aid kit and some extra clothes from the last time he was over and forgot them. You brought them back to him and he went into the bathroom to change. While you waited you decided to make him a hot beverage to calm him down (you are now Sheldon apparently). You started making f/d and he came out and sat down on the couch. After you were done making the drinks you came out and handed him one and sat down next to him, taking a sip from yours. "So, what happened?" You ask, gently start to wrap his head. He looks at you, his eyes all puffy and purple stains running down cheeks.

Eridans POV


I got home with Cro and noticed my dad asleep on the couch, beer cans littered the floor. Oh shit, I thought. He only drinks beer when he's either upset or something really bad happened. Cro must of noticed too because he started walking upstairs and he looked back at me and held his finger up to his lips. I walked as quietly as I could, and make it to my respite block before I here my dad scream at the top of his lungs "Cronus!" I peak my head out of the door and see Cronus step out of his room. Seeing the terror on my face, he walks over to me.

"Hey chief, I'm gonna be okay. Just stay in your room, and don't come dowvn. Got that?" He says, I can here the sincerity in his voice.

I nod my head. "Be careful, Cro." He nods and walks cautiously downstairs. I can here their voices, but I can't make out what they're saying. I slowly walk to the edge of the staircase and hear my dad

"-ont have you ruin our name like this!" He yell/speaks (Idk). I have a slight suspicion of what he's talking about, but I was unsure. As of about 2 weeks ago, Cronus and Kankri started "dating", as Dave calls it, and our dad doesn't know. He has the firm human belief that being a 'homosexual' is wrong.  I hear a crash downstairs, and instinctively run down to make sure Cronus is ok. I get down there to see a unusually expensive human vase in pieces next to Cronus' feet. I was extremely outraged by this. Somehow, they haven't noticed me yet, but they will.

"Leave him alone! You have no right tellin him wwho he can or can't like." I scream. He looks at me, startled. I felt an unusual amount of confidence surge through me. I walk over to him and add. "You need to control yourself, Cro can date Kan if he wwants, you get no say in that. As for ruinin our name you've done enough of that yourself." He looks surprised for a moment, then it happens he slaps me and shoves me, hard, onto the ground. I hit my head on the wall and land on the ground, slightly dazed. I see my dad start walking towards me, but before he could make it over to me Cronus steps in front of me. I can't hear anything over the ringing in my ears, before long Cronus is picking me up and we're running out the door.

We eventually slow to a walk and Cronus looks at me, "Thanks for sticking up for me back there, but you didn't need to do that. I hate to see you suffer because of his beliefs. I'm gonna go to Kanny's for a wvhile, do you wvant to come?"

" No. I'll just go to y/n's. I'm sure they'll  let me stay." He nods and turns to head in the direction of Kankri's hive. The adrenaline rush I was going on subsided and I felt a great amount of pain in the side of my head. I reach up to feel it, and feel something wet. I look at my. hand and see it covered in blood. I continued walking to y/n's hive, eventually it started pouring so I ran the rest of the way and knocked on her door.
                                                                     ~~~~~End of Flashback~~~~~

Hey, Sorry I Totally Bochted Original Goal, But I Havve Some Bad Newws. My Main Wwriting Tool I Use Is My IPad That I Get From My School, But Wwe Havve To Givve Them Back Tomorroww For The Summer. That Said I Do Have A Limited Wway To Wwrite, My Sister's Laptop, Wwhich I'm Only Going To B Able To Be On On The Wweekend Thanks To Her Neww Job. So My Updates Wwill Be A Little Sparser For A Wwhile, But I Wwill Wwrite A Crap Ton Wwhen I Can. See You In The Next Chapter!

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