Then he laughs not his normal sinister laugh I'm use to hearing this one was light and almost cheerful as he grabs a pillow I run to the other side of the bed putting some distance between us, he chucks the pillow at me from across the bed as I use the pillow I have to protect myself, not that it do much . as we attempt to hit each other from across the bed I didn't even have time to run as he jumps across the king size bed and grabs my waist pulling me on to the bed still with a pillow in both of our hands we start attacking each other. 

I curled my knees into my stomach as jack hits me over and over with a pillow both of our laughter fill the room. This is how every morning should be but I know it will never be like that cause I'm controlled by a gang-leader. 

After our laughing fit  I went to get ready for the day while jack went to his office, once I done my morning routine I stood in my wardrobe trying to find something to wear deciding on a tight red patten dress with snake skin heels (dress and shoes below) curling my hair and putting on some eyeliner, blush,mascara and lipstick. I add a charm bracelet that was in the wardrobe and long sliver neckless.   


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walking out the room feeling amazing I head downstair into the kitten where every one is eating, walking in I keep my head down to avoid eye contact with any of the boys. walking to the top of the table I sit to the right of jack with Kol across from me like every other time we eat at this table but now chloe is sitting next to him so everyone on that side has moved down one. 

After sitting down I finally look up and glance around the table to see everyone looking at my neck. At first I was confused than mine and jacks antics from this morning came back and I realise my neck probably looks like a hover has sucked on it all night.

Ignoring all their glance I look up a jack to see him smiling once we make eye contact we both couldn't hold it in as we burst out into laughter with everyone joining us. after some small talk and finishing breakfast. we all depart the boys going off to do work out of the house, jack went to his office to finish an important project that I'm not aloud to know about, and Kol took chloe out to get some clothes and there thing she will need. 

being in this house with nothing to do is boring, I don't feel like reading or watching a film and jack is busy so I don't want to disturb him. then and idea came to my head I could go on the roof. grabbing a blanket and some food I head upstairs once I get up the first flight of stairs I walk past jack office trying to decide if I should tell him where I'm going so he doesn't freak out. 

Putting everything down I knock on the door waiting a few second before I here a 'come in,' walking into his office he looks up to see who is there. 

"Love I told you I'm busy, what is it?" he says almost agitated. Wow his mode has done a drastic change since this morning. Decide to not anger him I put on the best smile I can and answer him calmly. 

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