**His eyes opened and he looked over at me.

Ray: Miranda?

Me: Y-yeah?

Ray: You're here?

Me: Of course I'm here, Ray.

**He motioned for me to come closer.

I slowly walked over to him and sat at his side.

Me: Why, Ray?

Ray: What?

Me: Why would you do this?

Ray: ... I- I don't know. I guess with you going out with someone else, I had nobody else... Nothing else.

Me: What about Jacob? Diggy? Trey? Craig?

Ray: Jacob was with Diggy... They always had something else to do... Trey and Craig have their girlfriends and... I just felt alone.

Me: Drugs don't solve your loneliness. You could've always came to me.

Ray: How? You were either avoiding me or with Jawan...

*Maddie... Of course, I didn't say it though. The guy's in the hospital. I'm not gonna add to that pain.

Me: I'm sorry...

Ray: Don't be. It's my fault. Everything is. I'M sorry...

**I leaned in to kiss him on his forehead, but he leaned too and my lips landed smack on his. We explored for a few minutes, then I realized what was happening... SHIT! I pulled away fast. Really fast. I stared at the wall on the other side of the room. Damn. Jawan is trusting me, and I come do this...

Ray: I'm sorry...

Me: I should go...

Ray: Alright...

** I walked out and started down the hallway.



Me: So, you really like my sister, huh?

Jawan: Yeah...

Me: True. Enough to trust her in that room?

Jawan: I mean.. I have doubts, but I'm not going to follow her in there just to make sure she doesn't do anything. Yeah. I trust her. She really hasn't given me a reason not to.

Me: Oh. Right, right. So, where y'all headed after this?

Jawan: The fair.

Me: Oh. Have fun!

Jawan: We'll try.



**As soon as I walked back into the room, they stopped talking.

Me: Well, hello to you too.

Jawan: Ready to go?

Me: Yeah.



Ray: Yeah... I apologized & everything & then-

Me: And then?

Ray: Nevermind, bro.

Me: Tell me!

Ray: We made out... Only for a little while though...

Me: You're a piece of shit!

Ray: What?

Me: How you gonna kiss my sister? She has a boyfriend! A boyfriend that actually cares about her. He trusted Miranda. He didn't say anything when she came in here to talk to you. You know if he finds out that'll most-likely tear them apart.

Ray: Chill out... Who said he'll find out?


**I stormed out of his room. I'm takin my ass home.



**We went on about 5 rides already. Now, we're just walking around with cotton candy.

???: Hey, Miranda!!! Miss me??

**Jawan and I both turned around at the same time.

Jawan: Who's that?

**I just shrugged. She took off her hat... Maddie.

Maddie: Bitch! I told you I was gonna get you. I told you. You stole my man in the 6th grade & I plan on getting him back.

Me: Bitch you don' lost your damn mind.

Maddie: Have I? Have I really?

** The Bitch pulled out a gun & pointed it at me. Everyone started running. I just froze there.

Me: So... You're gonna shoot me? What did I do that was so bad? What man did you have? Ray? You can have him.

Maddie: No. I'm afraid it doesn't work that way. He doesn't want me. And unless you die, He never will. So hold still. It'll be over before you know it. Any last words?

Me: Fuck it. Jawan, I love you! Tell my mom, aunt tori, uncle Chris, Diggy & Jacob I said I love them too! And-

**I never got to finish. I heard a BANG. My eyes closed automatically. I felt my body hit the ground. There was something heavy on me and I was covered in something. Most-likely blood.

**I opened my eyes and saw a body on top of mine. Jawan???


Unwritten: A Miranda Perez StoryWhere stories live. Discover now