Chapter 28: You Don't Know

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A/N: sorry for the short chapter, the next one is longer than this one.

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Breanna's Outfit:


Today I’m going to the studio today with the boys to record some backing vocals for their new album but I have no idea why they need me since there is five of them. Maybe they need someone as feminine as myself.

“Hello you must be Breanna?” The lady at the front desk asks me flashing her pearly white teeth.

“Yes that’s me.”

“Follow me.” She says.

 She takes me to the elevator and she presses the button and we wait in silence as we wait for it to open. When it arrives Mia steps out and I shoot her a glare but she doesn’t seem to notice.

“Hello Breanna!” She says with a fake smile. She is wearing a bright red collared dress that I know Simon bought it for her.

“Don’t talk to me.” I say coldly and step inside the elevator with the receptionist.

She presses the button with the 4 on it and the silver doors close.

“Isn’t floor two the recording studio?” I ask confused.

“Yes. But they need to discuss some things before you begin.” She replies and my mouth forms an ‘o’ shape.

“So I’m guessing you don’t like Mia.” She says with a smile.

“I despise her. You?” I reply.

“Same as you.”

We both laugh. “Why don’t you like her?” She asks curiously.

“Well number one she’s dating my uncle and two she’s a stuck up bitch.” I reply brutally and she laughs.

“What about you?”

“I always knew that she had a thing for Simon but I just think that she wants him for his money and I agree with you, she is a stuck up bitch.” I smile; it’s nice to hear someone else say that instead of me.

The doors finally open we arrive on the fourth floor and she guides me to a door towards the end of the hallway.

“Hold on a tick.” She says and steps into the room and closes the door behind her.

Seconds later she comes out tells me that I can go in. She opens the door for me and closes it behind me before I spot Simon.

“What is he doing here?” I ask pissed off and I scan all the boys’ faces but none of them answer. They all look down at their hands sheepishly.

“If no one is going to answer me I will leave.” I say and grab the handle.

“He is here… Simon is here because we need to talk. No actually you guys need to talk.” Liam answers and I frown.

“What is there to talk about?”

“You know perfectly well Bree.” Liam says sternly.

The boys all stand up and walk towards me.

“We will be outside.” Niall says and he opens the door and they all exit the room.

Once the door is closed I take a seat that’s two spots away from Simon. I stare at him and he stares back. The tension in the room has increased dramatically since the boys left seconds ago.

“You’ve got five minutes.” I say and he sighs.

“Breanna that’s not very fair.”

“It's also not fair that you hid your relationship from me.”

There is a few seconds of silence before Simon speaks up.

“I proposed to her.” He says almost inaudible.

“You did what?!” I scream and stand up.

“I proposed to her Breanna because that’s what you do when you love some dearly. That’s what you do when you can’t live without them. That’s what you do when they are your everything. That’s what you do when they are your world.” 

“She doesn’t love you! How can you not see that!” I scream once again and I slam my hands on the wooden table.

“And how do you know that?” He asks clearly hurt by my words.


“She is using you for your money! You buy her absolutely everything she wants! I’ve seen and experienced love before Simon and she doesn’t look at you the way Liam looks at me!” Breanna screams back and my heart leaps when she mentions my name.

“Oooo she got him there.” Louis comments and Niall and Harry chuckle.

I look through the glass and see Breanna’s face is flooded with red from her anger. Simon is still seated but I can tell that he is hurt.

“Breanna darling-“

“Don’t you even think about calling me that!” She yells and sits back down in her chair and I can see Simon taking a deep breath. I turn away from the window and sit back down with the boys.

“Is anyone crying?” Zayn asks over Bree’s screaming.

“No, but I think Simon might.” I reply honestly.

“You don’t understand Breanna! I have known Mia for a very long time and ever since she walked through those doors six years ago, I saw sparks fly instantly. She has changed a lot. She used to be very timid and shy and she used to wear the same damn thing every single day. Over the years she gradually got more comfortable with herself and she is so bubbly and is loving life now. She could wear a paper bag and still look stunning. She is absolutely everything to me and I’m not going to drop her for my niece who doesn’t understand a single thing about love!” Simon shouts.

I instantly get up from my spot so I can see Breanna’s expression. The tears that were forming in her eyes were pouring down her cheeks. Before I can stop myself I burst through the doors and she runs into my arms.

“I think that’s enough for today.” I say to Simon and he puts his head in his hands.

I walk out with Bree close to my side and we walk to the elevator. The boys follow closely with concerned expressions.

Scars (A One Direction Fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora