Chapter 23: Stop

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As I watch Harry drive away I replay the kiss over and over in my head. When his car is gone from my sight I sit down on the front steps and put my head in my hands. What am I going to tell Liam? Do I even tell him?

“Bree!” I hear Liam call before he shuts the car door.

“Hello!” I say and walk over to him. He embraces him into a hug and kisses me swiftly on the lips.

“You ready to go?” he asks hold out his hand.

“Just let me grab my bag.” I say and run inside and up to my room. A tear falls down my cheek as I run up my to get my old bag, I would have to get a new one today because I gave my white bag to charity after what had happened on Saturday night.

“Bree?” Liam says behind me.

“Sorry, I was just thinking. Let’s go.” I say and give him a sad smile, he takes my hand in his but doesn’t push the subject any further.

Once we got to the mall we had no idea where to start.

“What’s the dress code?” I ask looking up at Liam.

“Well it’s at a club so I don’t think there really is a dress code.” He replies and we begin walking.

“Okay well let’s go see what we can get for you.” I say and he nods.

We ended up buy dark blue skinny jeans and white shirt with navy blue sleeves that went three quarters of the way down his arms and he said that he would just wear his white converse shoes.

“Your turn!” He says excitedly and kisses my head.

“So where to?” I ask him.

“You’re asking me?” He asks laughing and I join him.

We went to three other stores before finding the perfect one in Forever New. It's a floral bodycon dress and the pattern was symettrical... it looked amazing on the hanger and I just hope it looks as good on me!

“Liam I have to try this on!” I say taking it off the rack.

“Go ahead.” He says and follows me to the dressing room.

“You can’t come in Liam.” I say smiling.

“Who says?” He asks cheekily and winks.

I roll my eyes and quickly kiss him on the lips before going to get changed. When I look at myself in the mirror I look and feel magnificent. When I open the curtain Liam’s jaw drops to the ground and I blush.

“You look… stunning.” He says and wraps me in a hug.

“That’s definitely the one.” He says and I nod.

After we debate who should pay for the dress (Liam won) we move onto trying to find some shoes.

“What about these ones?” Liam says holding up a pair of black pumps with gold spikes all over it.

“How about no.” I say and we both laugh.

After that we go into one more shop before going into Guess. This took me by surprise because it’s so expensive and Liam was the one that wanted to go here. There were so many great shoes but I didn’t want anything that was too noticeable because I didn’t want to take a lot of the attention away from the beautiful dress. I pick up a pair of nude high heels and hold them up next to my dress.

“They’re nice.” Liam comments.

I slip the right size onto my feet. “They feel pretty comfortable too.” I say.

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