Chapter 8: Cuts and Lies

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Breanna's Outfit:


“I’m pregnant.” I blurt out. I put my head in my hands and burst into tears and it wasn’t because I was pregnant because I’m not. It was because I had lied. It was because I had cut myself. It was because I had no idea what just happened.

Niall walked over from the other side of the island bench and wrapped me in his arms.

“Bree… what…who…” Niall trailed off.

I didn’t say anything back. We stayed like this for a while and it felt good to just cry and not have anyone to ask any stupid questions like “are you okay?” or “why didn’t you tell me before?”. After I had calmed down a bit Niall picked me up and carried me over to the couch. My head lay in his lap and he began to sing This by Ed Sheeran.

He knew me too well.



She’s pregnant. How does that even happen?

Don’t answer that because I already know.

Once she fell asleep a million questions ran through my mind.

Whose child is it? Why did she do it? Where’s the father? Was it intentional? What’s going to happen now?

I looked at the time and it was almost one thirty and my stomach was rumbling. I also felt very hot. I carefully lifted Bree’s sleepy head off my lap and carefully laid her back down. I decided to be a saint and rolled up the sleeves of her jumper. I then unbuttoned the shirt that she was wearing underneath. As I rolled up her shirt sleeves I discovered bandages on both arms. Why were they there?

When I lifted them up I gasped at the sight. Her wrists her covered in cuts. Oh my Lord. I quickly rolled her sleeves back down. Once I had finished that task the first thing that instantly popped into my head was ‘what made her do that?’.


I decided to check in on Bree just to see how she was doing and if her breathing had calmed down. Her face was still a little red and she had tear streaks down her face. I once again decided to be a saint and clean up her face. Hopefully I won't wake her up. I rummaged through the pantry to try and find some kind of paper towel to use so I could wipe Bree's face. I wet the paper towel and ringed it out. I then carefully began to wipe her cheeks. 



I must have fallen asleep because my eyes were closed and I felt relaxed. Wait hold on, something was on my face. 

I opened my eyes to see Niall wiping my cheeks with a wet paper towel And I smiled. That was so sweet of him. 

"I'm sorry Bree, I didn't mean to wake you." He said after he noticed that I was awake.

"No it's okay. Is Simon home yet?" I say while sitting up and he shakes his head.

He put the paper towel in the bin and then sat down on the couch next to me. He grabbed my hands and looked me straight in my eyes. His eyes were full of worry, sadness and hurt. I wonder what had happened while I was asleep.

"Bree... I don't know how to say this..." Niall says quietly. What is does he want to say?

"Um... First of all I know that you're not pregnant." 

"How?" I say louder and more harshly than I intended.

"That's not important... Secondly I know... I know that you draw." 

A confused expression crossed my face. I don't draw. I can't draw. I suck at drawing so why would he say that? He must have noticed that I was confused because a sympathetic smile appears on his face.

"You draw alone in the privacy of your bathroom and you show no one. You cover your drawings up with sheets so nobody can see them." 

I was slowly starting to get what he was saying. He had somehow managed to find out my biggest secret.

"Niall... I-" I begin to say but I am cut off by Niall.

"Why?" He asks with tears in my eyes.

"It's an escape." I reply barely audible. A tear rolled down my cheek but I didn’t bother wiping it away. Niall doesn't say anything. After a few minutes I decided to roll up my sleeves and show him.

“What are you doing?” Niall asked quietly.

I don't reply. Actions speak louder than words. I take a deep breath before speaking.

“These ones,” I say pointing to the cuts that I engraved into my wrists last night, “I did last night.”

He opened his mouth to say something but closed his mouth almost instantly.

“Is… Is that why you wore that?” He asked pointing to my jumper and shirt and I nodded in response. His mouth formed an ‘o’ shape.

“Um, you are the first person that I have told.” I say looking down. I feel so exposed.

I looked up at Niall. He picks my hands so my wrists and palms are facing upwards. It was like he was examining ever single detail of my cuts. I really don’t like it but I let him continue.

“Thank you.” Niall whispered.

“For what?”

“For telling me….sort of.” He replied looking up and I gave him a sad smile. He drops my hands and pulls me into a tight hug.

“How did you find out?” I ask as I pulled away from the hug. Niall instantly drains of colour.

“Well… uh funny story actually…” He then began to tell me what had happened. At first I was quite angry but how could I be angry at one of my best friends? Well, at least I think we are friends.

“Hey, Niall. Are we friends?” I asked as he boiled the water again. He laughed; I didn’t think it was that funny.

“Of course! What makes you say that?” He asks turning to face me.

“I wasn’t sure because I haven’t met a single other person besides you five guys.” I reply embarrassed.

Once he had made my tea and his coffee, we sat down on the couch and just talked like normal people would. I asked about his family because we really hadn’t spoken about stuff like that. I found out that he has one brother Greg; his parents got a divorce and his mum Maura has remarried. He also has a cat named Jess. He also went to an all boy school. By the time we had finished our hot beverages it was almost 4pm and Simon still wasn’t home.

“I should probably get back to the flat.” Niall says as he puts his mug in the sink.

“Oh okay well thanks for coming over.” I say disappointed. Niall was great company.

I walked him to the door and we exchanged goodbyes.

“Please don’t tell the other boys.” I yell before he gets into his car.

“I promise.” He says and I mouth a thank you before he hops into the car. I wave to him as he drives away.

Now I feel as close as ever to Niall. 

I like it.

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