Chapter 10: Trust Me (Part 2)

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Breanna's Outfit:

Breanna's Other Outfit:


Trust is what allows us to have meaningful relationships. Without it, we cannot start a conversation  with another person without wondering if that person is telling the truth or not. You would not be able to believe what the other person is saying. Without trust at all, life would be very, very lonely. The big question is do I trust Louis?

His words ring in my mind. You just have to trust me.

I told Louis that I would think about it. You just have to trust me.

I don't want to harm myself again but the reasons why I should, will start to become more obvious. You just have to trust me.

Do I trust Louis? You just have to trust me.

Me: What time?

Louis: So you'll come?! :D

Me: Yeah :)

Louis: YAY! 7pm and we will pick you up

Me: Sounds good, see you then! X

That means after my shift I'll have about two and a half hours to work out how I was going to break the news to the boys. I could either change into something else and have my bandages showing or not wear them at all. This is not a good idea.


"You ready for your first day?" Simon asks excitedly.

"Ready as I will ever be!" I say as I grab my hand bag and water bottle.

Simon and I get into the car and drive to the mall. Once I say goodbye to Simon, I get out of the car and that's when the nerves kick in. It was like I was meeting One Direction for the first all over again. A girl that looked about 15 came up and asked for a picture and she explained to me that she knew me because of the boys. She also asked me to ask the boys if they could follow her twitter so I got her name and I would have to remember to tell the boys when we go out for dinner tonight.

Once I had arrived at the store, there were about a dozen people wandering through the racks of clothes. I have to admit, I really want to join them.

"Hello! Can I help you?" A sales assistant asked. I was probably going to be working with her.

"Ah yes! It's my first day here working but I have no idea where I am supposed to go." I reply.

"Oh you must Breanna?" She asks.

"Yeah that's me." I say and we shake hands.

"I'm Hayley! Follow me!"

I follow her towards the change rooms but instead we go to a door at the end of the little hallway. As I step in, I am amazed. It's like a little house. There is a tiny kitchen, a couch, a bathroom and baskets with names on it. I assume that's where we put our belongings.

"So this is where you come before you start working. You sign in on the clipboard over there and put your bag and other things in the baskets over there." Hayley explains. I would have to try and remember this all but I swear it goes in one ear and out the other.

"Do you want me to show you how to sign in?" She asks helpfully.

"Yes please." I say with a kind smile.

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