Chapter 25: The Ginger Jesus

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A/N: Please share this story with somebody whether it my your bestie, ya mother, the guy sitting next to you, a goldfish or even your neighbours pet unicorn! I really would appreciate it and if you could also vote that would be extremely awesome :) 

OH AND I would like to point out that I did publish this chapter earlier today but when I checked back on it it was gone! PULL YOUR SHIT TOGETHER WATTPAD!!! :(

Also when you see the word Shiitake it is pronnouced SHIT-TARK-E


Breanna's Outfit:


It’s the day of Ed Sheeran’s party and I feel like I haven’t seen Liam in months. He has been so busy in the studio and writing new songs that we haven’t really caught up and I miss him so much. As for Simon, I haven’t spoken to him since I found out about Mia but I should probably let him explain soon but not today. Today I am going to meet one of my idols.

I know that the party isn’t until tonight but I need to find a way to hide the scratches on my back and the cuts on my arms. I tried concealer but that didn’t really work and it stung when I put it on anyway.

“Breanna?” Simon calls from the other side of the door.

“What do you want?” I ask bluntly.

“Please just let me explain.” He pleads. I sigh and open the door.

“Thank you.” He says and steps into my room.

“You’ve got 10 minutes then I have to start getting ready.” I say and sit on my bed and he nods.

“So what do you want to know?” He asks sitting down on my desk chair.


“Okay so it all started after you went into the studio to hear the boys sing the song they wrote inspired by you. When I left you with them I went to my office and Mia was sitting on top of my desk in a very sexy lacy blue dress. It hugged every curve of her body. I tried to be as cold as I could, but she had been flirting with me for a few weeks before that and I was slowly falling for her.”

“So she got in your pants and now you guys are what married or something?” I ask pissed off but he didn’t say anything.

“OH MY GOD YOU HAVE GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDING ME?!” I scream and throw my arms in the air. “Get out. Get of my room I never want to see you again!” I yell and point to the open door.

“Breanna please just listen to me!” He says standing up.

“No I don’t want to hear another word from you! Get out!” I yell and point to the door again.

“I’m so sorry…”  Simon says quietly and walks out of my room.

I slam the door behind him and go to my en-suite to splash some water on my face. It’s now five thirty and now have one and a half hours to get ready. I put my floral dress on and instantly feel much calmer. I paint a blue smokey eye and a nude pink lip. I curl my hair and put it into a bun on the side near my ear. I check my clock and I have fifteen minutes before Liam arrives to pick me up. I put on my sliver earrings and chuck my phone, tissues, lipstick, bobby pins and purse in my clutch and wait in my room for Liam.

It’s now five minutes before the actual party starts and Liam is supposed to be here already. I’m not freaking out. Nope, definitely not. Okay that’s a lie and we all know it. I text Liam and ask where he is and he replies a few seconds later with outside your bedroom door. I put on my nude heels, grab my clutch, check myself in the mirror one last time then open my door to find Liam looking very handsome in his top and skinny jeans.

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