My Dad?!

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I woke up today and Nel and Kyla were gone. They sent a text in the group chat saying they went out again to shop. They been doing a lot of shopping. I heard the shower turn on and figured it had to be Zuri because Gel was in her bed snoring loud as hell. She's been sad lately. She got an abortion. She also broke up with Greg. I told her I would help with the baby. Angela just shook her head and said, "Thank you. But you didn't help make it." I understood every word. After I just held her as she stared out the window.

Snapping me back to reality Zuri came out of the shower naked. I could smell the cocoa butter lotion she had on. Her light brown skin made my mouth water. And the way she switched when she walked made me want her more. I hadn't really seen her naked since the night with the vibrator. We never had sex yet. She'd just let me finger her with her clothes on. I noticed scars on her thigh. Cuts. I know I didn't see those that day. She realized I was awake, screamed and ran back in the bathroom. It woke Angela up.

I went to the bathroom. She didn't lock it. I held her as she cried for a minute. Angela knocked, "Hey niggas. What's going on in there? A bitch gotta pee." I opened up the door and walked Zuri out. "What the fuck y'all was doing? Zu, sis. Put some clothes on baby. I'm jealous." Zuri smiled and Gel went in the bathroom. I gave her my shirt and boxers. We sat on the bed in silence.

"Do you still love me?" She looked down. I pulled her head up. "Baby yes. I don't care about some scars. To me they add to your beauty. Now I gotta get to know more about you to figure out why somebody as gorgeous as you would do that." I kissed her cheek and she smiled. I felt like it was something she was holding back and so was I. I broke the ice and held out my left wrist.

"Look." I pointed to two scars. "I did it before too. All because of some bitch when I was in middle school. Stupid. I know. She really broke my heart." Zuri touched them. "Your turn baby. Only if you want." She took a deep breath in. "I was raped. By my grandfather." I didn't know what to say. I held her hand and nodded to tell her to continue. "Every weekend my mom would send me to my grandparents house so she could go out with her friends. My grandma would garden for hours, like that shit was beautiful. My grandfather had a drinking problem. Whenever my grandma would go out back he would rape me. I used to try to hide. I think searching for me turned him on even more. From the time I was eight to almost fifteen he raped me damn near every weekend. He died of alcohol poisoning before my fifteenth birthday. The best gift ever. The day of the funeral I cried harder than anyone. The only difference was, my tears were happy tears."

By the end I was crying. She wiped my tears. I finally asked, "So that's where these came from?" I traced my finger on her leg. She nodded. "The reason you never seen them is because I cover them up with makeup." I nodded. We sat there for few minutes. She laid on my chest and said, "He told me no one would ever want me. He said he was the only one who really loved me." I felt my shirt become wet. "I want you baby girl. And I love you. I love you so much." She sighed, "Renee. You want every girl. You love every girl." She got up and sat at the desk. I was stuck. She thought I was just saying that to say it.

I got up and snatched her from the chair. I made her look in my eyes. I gave her the most passionate kiss anybody could ever give. "I love you Zuri Elondra Adams. I want YOU Zuri Elondra Adams." She blushed and pulled me in for another kiss. She had me pinned against the wall. Angela came out fully dressed.

"Let me get out of here now. Because if you ain't fuck already, I swear to God you bitches fucking later. I don't wanna be here for that. I'm going to the movies with this guy I met at the mall. Be back. I love y'all." We laughed and both said "I love you too." We laid up and watched the same movie she picked the other day. "Sorry. It's my favorite." She said as she looked up at me. I kissed her forehead, "Pay attention to the movie."

About an hour into the movie she paused it and sat up. I looked at her confused. "I've been thinking. I don't want Gelly to go to hell." I sat up, "Baby what the fuck you talking about?" She scooted closer to me. Damn she so cute. "Well earlier she said 'I swear to God you bitches fucking later.'" She smirked. I laughed, "Baby girl later don't mean today. It could be any day. Angela is probably going to hell. But trust me, it won't be because of that." I kissed her and bit her lip as she pulled away.

"That's not fair! Ky and Nel got to! And I'm fucking soaked over here Renee! Feel." She pulled open my boxers that she had on and took my hand and made touch her box. Damn. Zuri pushed my hand against her and took my hand out to suck my fingers while she looked in my eyes. She making this harder than it has to be. She asked, "Well?" I plucked her nose, "Nice try kid. Go dry off and put these on." I handed her a pair of shorts and she snatched them. Zu mumbled as she walked to the bathroom. "I love you too sweetheart." She gave me the finger.

She came back and laid in the bed with me. 2 movies later she was knocked out. I gotta text and she shifted in her sleep because of the vibration. I looked at the time, 05:47. It was Marc. I sighed.

Her: Hey ma. You can meet me at the Moe's across town. By where they took the confederate statue down.
Me: Okay. Give me 30.

I got up and threw a shirt on. I slid on my Nike slides and grabbed my wallet. When I went to kiss Zuri she was awake. "Please be safe. Don't die before I get my chance to get fucked." She winked. I kissed her. "I love you Elondra." "Stoooooop! I hate that name. I love you more Jiselle." I gave her a frown and walked out.

It was dark already. So the walk to the bus top was scary. Luckily the bus came in less than a minute and I got on.


I get off and head towards Moe's. Kinda cold out tonight. Wind was strong as hell. I get in Moe's and see someone with a blue hoodie. They look up. Marcella. "Over here Ren!" I walk over and sit down. She held my hand. Some people started whispering. "The fuck y'all whispering for?! Mind your damn business!" An employee came over. "Sir- Ma'am, I am gonna have to ask you to leave if you continue these loud outburst." Marcella was finna get smart until I said something. "She good son. She'll be quiet." He walked away.

I looked at her. She looked terrible. Her eyes were blood shot, she had bags below her eyelids and her normally tan skin looked a little pale. She spoke up. "I knew your dad."

What the hell?

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