Move in Day Pt.2

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I woke up to my mom shaking me, "Wake up Nay. We here." I rubbed my eyes and looked around, realizing where I was, I unbuckled my seat so fast and got out the car. I told my mom to wait for a few while I go and get everything sorted out. We were early. I like early. Nobody was here though. It's kinda dry right now. I took in a big breath of that HBCU air and walked inside.

The front desk lady looks good. She had on glasses, with a white button down and skinny jeans. She was too casual, had to be like a student helper. She was eyeing me and I was eyeing her. When it was my turn I said, "Hello, my name is Renee Washington, freshman. I... I..." she started to unbutton her shirt a little because it was hot.

     I couldn't focus for shit man. She laughed, "Okay. Okay. I got you." I sighed and nodded. What the fuck was wrong with me?! I gotta get my shit together, the down south shorties don't play. She came back with papers, a card and a set of keys. I said, "Thank you." But when I reached for them she pulled them back. She smirked and said, "You a freshman, you a baby." I leaned on the desk and said, "Age ain't nothing but a number ma, on me." I gave her my award winning smile. She laughed and looked at the tag on my keys. "214 Westland Hall. Imma remember that freshie." She rubbed my hand as she gave me my stuff. I was stuck. Damn she fine. "Uh, could I get your number ma?" She bit her lip and shook her head. "Nope, I don't give my number to freshmen. I know how to reach you 😏." That was one of the sexiest things I ever heard. I nodded and walked away.

I walked out and tripped over a plant. I yelled, "Fuck! Shit! Who the fuck puts a plant in the middle of a walkway?!" I heard her laugh. I pushed the big ass leaves out of my way. I felt like Rambo. I made it back to the car to see my mama talking to some nigga in a suit. I walk over upset, I looked him up and down. "Hey mama, I got everything." She mugged me and said, "Renee where are your manners? Greet this gentleman." He held his hand out, "Hello, my name is William Bash." I didn't shake his hand, I gotta thing about people's hands. You don't know what I do with mine, I don't know what you do with yours 🤷‍♀️. I nodded and said, "What's good? My name is Ren." My mom shook her head. And that William nigga put his hand back down. He turned to my mom and said, "Well, I better get going Michelle. I have to go check in at the front desk." What the fuck this nigga checking in for? My mom shook his hand and he walked away.

"Bro who that?" My mom and I had a pretty chill relationship. I could call her that, she was really my homie. She sighed, "Nay, that was a professor- YOUR professor." Damn. She laughed, "You got to learn to be more friendly sweetie." I nodded and smiled. She rarely calls me sweetie. Only on birthdays, holidays and shit like that. She pinched my cheek and said, "Come on, let's get you settled in." We drove to Westland and started unloading the car. I carried all the heavy stuff, my mom brought small boxes and shoes and stuff. We decorated my side of the room.

Once we were done she gave me a big hug. I felt a tear on my neck. I wiped it. "Don't cry mommy. Imma be back." She smiled, "I know baby." She looked in a box at a picture of my dad and I on the basketball court when I was like 4. "He would have been so proud of you." I nodded and a tear came down. "It's okay. You don't have to play ball to make him proud Nay." My dad was a hooper. A good one too. He went to this exact college and won them a championship in his junior year. Sadly his past caught up with him at the party after the game. Some niggas came through the kickback and shot him. My mom was still in Maryland when it happened. They had me when they were young. He went to college to get a better life for us. I didn't remember him much, but I know I loved him.

My mom sniffled and said, "Well I better get back on the road, Nay." We hugged one more time. "Imma make you proud mama." My mommy smiled and pinched my cheek, "You already do baby." I was walking her to her car and I seen the front desk lady. She looked at me and winked. My mama saw and laughed, "She look too old for you bro." I blushed. She gave me a kiss on the cheek and said, "Good luck baby. Do good. And don't get pregnant!" She yelled. I looked around to see if anybody heard that bullshit. The shorty at the front desk did because she was laughing with her friends. Fuck my life man 🤦‍♀️. "Ma! What?!" She laughed so hard. Imma miss my mama laugh man. She punched me and said "I'm joking Nay, I understand you. You liking girls is fine baby. You gonna have to figure something out though sweetie, because I want grandkids." We laughed and I hugged her again. We both said "I love you." And next thing you know, my mama was driving off into the distance, I waved until she was out of sight.

I'm gonna miss my mommy.

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