Police Brutality

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(A/n by far the longest chapter yet)

I'm laying in this girl Tiarah's bed. I just beat her shit up. My shirt was wet from when she sat on my face so I was just in my bra and shorts. I was holding her while she was scrolling on the phone. Only reason I stayed was because it's like 04:00am and I don't feel like walking all the way across campus to Westland. I was texting Zuri when Tiarah jumped up. "You gotta go! My girlfriend is on the way! Go! Now!" She threw my clothes at me. I only put my tank top on and my slides and got the fuck out of there. I ain't no bitch but I ain't want no smoke over this broad.

I turned the corner from her dorm and who do I see? The fat bitch that jumped me with C. Shit! She pulled out a knife and yelled, "You dead nigga!" I was laughing while running because I knew her ass couldn't keep up with me. She stopped and knocked on a door. I slid down the stairway and was walking outside when I heard someone yelling. Cyan 🤦‍♂️. She was running with big Bertha lagging behind. I turned around to see she was gaining on me. I saw a gun in her hand. A gun for a bitch?! Is this what the world has come to?! I ran across the street when a black suburban pulled up.

It turned around like skrrt! Then shots went off. I dove behind a mailbox. "Fuck! I got hit!" C said. The black suburban pulled up on me and it was Marcella. "Get the fuck in! I'm gonna drive you to your dorm!" I got in and she dropped me off. "You did not see me!" Then she sped off.

By this time everybody was out of they dorms terrified. I heard sirens coming. I wanted to go in the dorm but I would look suspicious so I stayed out with everybody else. I was leaning on the building unusually cool as hell considering I just witnessed a shooting. Zuri, Chanel and Ky ran up to me. They all gave me a kiss. Zuri said, "Ren I was so scared! You read my message and didn't reply. Then I heard the shots!" She started shaking and I gave her hug. "I'm okay baby."

Ky asked, "Where is Angela?" Chanel laughed, "She a heavy sleeper. Her ass probably still sleep." Right on time, Gel walked out rubbing her eyes. She had on a silk night gown with a pocket. She a grandma 😂. "Fuck is going on? All these lights and noises woke me up out of my depression sleep." Her speech was slurred. She been drinking. I asked what was wrong. "Ugh. I might be pregnant. Greg doesn't want it." She pulled a small bottle of Jack Daniels out her pocket and chugged it. I snatched it. "Fuck you Ren!" "Fuck up stupid! Don't drink if you might be pregnant!" She started crying and Chanel walked her away.

Good thing because a cop came over. He would have known her underage ass was drunk. "Are any of you Renee Washington?" Zuri and Ky looked at me wide eyed. Them bitches snitched. Ky said, "Why?" "We need her to come with us. Are you Renee?" I said "No, she's not. I am." He got out the cuffs. "You're not under arrest. These are just a precaution." He reached for my hand and I snatched it away. "No sir. I'll go. But don't put them things on me. I know what y'all do to people." He smirked, "You do?" He stepped away and said something on his walkie talkie.

Zuri and Ky were holding my arm. Somebody yelled, "Hey Ren! Watch out!" I turned around and seen four cops coming at me. Shit. They took me, Ky and Zuri to the ground. By then Chanel seen. She ran over and tried to pull the cops off but one hit her in the face. She fell and started crying. I got mad. "Fuck you bitch! Why you hit my girl you pussy?!" The one cop with tattoos on his neck said, "Shut up dyke! And stop resisting!" I turned around and spit in his face. He hit me 3 times and stomped on my head. I heard my girls crying. Some guy said, "Don't worry Renee! I got you sis!" Then I was out.


I woke up handcuffed to a metal table. My left side of my face hurt so bad. I was just glad to be alive. 2 Feds came in. One was a ugly wrinkled white bitch. The other was a short bald black man. The nigga spoke, "Nice to see you awake Ms. Washington." I rolled my eyes. The lady pushed a glass of water towards me. "Lady you got me fucked up if you think I'm taking anything from a Fed. I'd rather die of dehydration." I slid the glass off the table and it broke on the floor. The lady sighed. "I am detective Dorty. This is my partner, detective Henslow. We would like you to tell us what happened tonight." The dude pulled out a pen and paper waiting for me to talk.

I adjusted my chair and leaned forward like they do in the movies. "Well detectives Dirty, and He slow. Some bitch ass niggas on the same payroll as you, attacked me and my girlfriends." Henslow asked disgusted, "Girlfriends? You're gay?" I smirked, "Yea short stuff. I love pussy. And I'm sure I'd love your wife's too." I looked down at his ring and winked.

The lady said, "Ms. Washington, before that. What happened at around 04:10am this morning?" I sighed. I wasn't gonna snitch but I wanted to let them know I ain't shoot nobody. "I was leaving this girl dorm to head back to my own." "What were you two doing?" "Fucking lady! Ass!" Henslow said, "Was this one of your girlfriends?" I hate questions. "No nigga!" He wrote it down.

Dorty asked, "Why did you leave? Were you guys finished or what?" "Yea we were finished. I was gonna stay but she said her girlfriend was coming over." She asked another stupid question, "Why was she coming over? Did the girl tell you?" "Lady listen, I don't fucking know yo. That's her bitch not mine. I don't know her like that. Don't even know her last name."

Henslow asked, "What was her first name?" I knew she wouldn't get in trouble so I said it. "Tiarah." His eyes got big. "Describe her." "Probably 5 foot and like 6 inches. Big butt. Nice lips, both sets 😉 and a piercing on her right eyebrow." He got up, "My fucking daughter?!" Ass that's his daughter. I decided to have fun with this. "Oh she got vertical nipple piercings which are sexy as fuck. And her pussy sloppy wet. Make sure you get all that down." I smirked and tapped the paper. He took out his phone and stormed out. I laughed.

The lady said, "Come on Renee. I know you want to get back to your girlfriends. Tell us who shot Cyan Bush." Ugh, here we go. "I don't know lady." "Really? Because on a campus surveillance camera we see you get in the car with the person and they drop you off at your dorm hall." "Lady. If somebody saved your life, had a gun on them and told you to get in, you fucking get in!" She sighed, "Okay Renee. We'll be in contact. I'll have an officer-" "Nah lady, you won't catch me in a cop car. Niggas got Uber."

She took the cuffs off me and led me out. I saw Henslow on the wall. "Tiarah what are you doing with people like this?! I knew I should have paid for you to go to Harvard. But noooo you wanna stay with your friends! You have sex with girls Tiarah?!" I said, "Hey!" To get his attention. I stuck my tongue between my two fingers. Then I made drowning noises. He was so heated, it was the slow strokes that set him off. He stormed back into the office. I died.

"Renee, like I said, we'll keep in touch. Especially about what happened with the officers. Be safe and try not to get killed." I walked off. "As long as I'm not near any of you fuckers I should be safe." I gave the whole precinct the middle finger and left.

I turned my phone on and it was blown up. Somebody from back home said I was on the news. My mama called 36 times. I'll call her back tonight. Got an email that classes were canceled for the next week and counseling would be available. Fuck a counselor. I requested and Uber and looked at the time. 02:36pm. I sat back and let the sun hit my face.

The Uber honked and I got in. I leaned my head against the window and my phone vibrated. I looked at it and it was Marcella.

Her: Ren. I'm sorry you saw that side of me. It's a lot that I have been keeping from you. I'll text you in a few days so we can meet up.
Me: Okay.

I slid my phone in my pocket. By the time I was done we were at campus. I thanked him and got out. I walked with my head down because I was so drained. People tried to talk to me. There was even a police brutality protest. I wasn't feeling it. I went to my dorm and passed out on the bed.

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