First Kiss - Oliver Queen

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It happens every time you have met up with Oliver, you hug and then he attempts to kiss you. Granted you are dating but you still push him away at his every attempt, it wasn't because you didn't want to. It's your first kiss and you want it to be something special, even if it isn't for Oliver.

You were waiting to meet him outside your favourite coffee shop with a (f/D) in your hand, he's running a little late but he had sent a message ensuring he would be there. As you waiting you looked around, the place you sat allowed you to see the park on the other side of the street. It was filled with couples and families alike.

"What are you looking at?" You looked up in surprise to see Oliver standing there with a smile plastered on his face. You stood up to give him a hug and this time he didn't attempt anything else, making you worry.

You both sat back down at the table and you just looked at Oliver. It was tempting just to go over there and kiss him, screw it being special.

"(Y/N)? Do I have something on my face?" He said in confusion, you just grinned at him and took a sip of your drink. He looked on in confusion, wiping at different places on his face.

You rolled your eyes and stood back up, "(Y/N)?" You leaned over him and kissed him gently. Feeling smug, you pulled back, "You had something there."

You feel proud when you saw his eyes were wide with shock, but he recovered quickly and pulled you back down for another kiss.

"This is why I like you (Y/N), you never cease to surprise me."

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