First Date - Nightwing

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It wasn't really a first date when you look at the past few times that you had done this with Nightwing, but it's really all you could do. Due to the fact he is one of the people who are suppose to be watching over Gotham, plus if Batman finds out where he has really been going these past few months then... what would happen?

You turned your head up at him and with a confused look said, "Hey Nightwing, what would happen if Batman caught you here?"

You felt his arm tighten around you, watching as his eyes trained on yours and with a grin replied with, "Why? Are you writing an article? Upcoming, Nightwing caught at some girl's apartment and Batman finally commits murder."

Both of you laughed at his joke, afterwards you moved so your entire body faced him, "No smartass. I was just wondering since you are always worried when you have to get back in case Batman catches you." You brought your hand to his cheek and sighed, "Plus it would be nice to spend more than two to three hours with you....sorry for being selfish."

He pushed his head into your hand before giving you a genuine smile, "I'll stay here the entire night for you tonight. I don't care want he says and I may get caught but for you I will stay." He tackled you to your couch and tightly hugged you against him. The blanket was already around you from when you were watching more movies but this time it felt special.

You may not be able to go out somewhere for your date with the man you liked and you may not be able to walk down the street with him - hand in hand - but that's what makes this special. You get to have him all to yourself. Both of you fell asleep on your couch and when you woke the next morning he was still there with you. Your head on his chest and his nose buried in your hair.

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