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It's been a few weeks since Dinah's party, I was currently at work and unfortunately guess who had to join me....that's right the whole clan. Fuck my life.
"So Thirlwall you been talking to Perrie much?" I groaned.
"Lauren we are on a call out to a major fire and your asking me about my love life? How did you even become a firefighter?" She rolled her eyes and shoved my shoulder.
"She's not wrong you know Jauregui your so unfit I swear you just fake the tests we take." Dinah pitched in with a laugh.
"Fuck off" she grumbled
"Really though Jade how's things with Perrie?" Normai called from the front seat
"What the hell Mani not you too? You're supposed to tell them to shut it." She didn't even get the chance to say anything before Lauren butted in.
"Normani won't be telling Dinah to shut anything, including her legs." She said that last bit as a whisper so only me and Dinah heard. Dinah went tomato red and I busted out laughing as Normani and Lauren started their usual bickering about what she said this time. Luke and Ashton who were also in the front gave all they could to stop them but it was no use. Ha who would have thought?
'I definitely won't be informing them of our first date tonight then' i thought to myself. I really needed this to be a quick in and out but as we pulled up to the scene that was definitely not the case.

We all gasped at the sight. An entire block of flats had caught fire, people hung out of windows screaming for help and the roof looked on the verge of falling through. It was at this exact point that I remembered why I would put my life in the hands of these people. Instantly we went into fire mode, jumping out of the car and getting ready to save these people. Luke, Normani and Dinah stayed at he truck starting up the hose and getting the ladder up. This was no small job.
"You ready Thirlwall, Jauregui?" Ashton shouted over at us. We had to go in and save the people.
"Jauregui with me third floor after that we move down. Erwin take the second and move down to the first." And with that we ran Lauren on my heels as we sprinted through the burning block.
Three flights of stairs later we arrived at the first flats I looked at her as if to say 'see you on the other side?' She nodded as we clapped our hands together and took one flat each.
I instantly ran to a girl lay across the kitchen area obviously passed out. I checked her pulse.
Alive. Thank god.
I lifted her to my shoulder and began to run to the window. With luck Dinah had hoisted the ladder up and was waiting for us to get people through. She was uncontious to I had to pass her through to Dinah. Luckily she was young so wasn't that heavy and the ladder was sturdily close to the window. The first move was successful. Now for the rest.
This block was a nightmare it hadn't been long but the place was falling apart and we were on the second floor. We'd got everyone out who we saw but there's no telling.
"Thirlwall the ceiling gunna go lets go!" I screamed at my best friend who was frantically looking around she stopped on a little boy who was curled up in one of the other rooms. It was about to collapse.
"No Thirlwall come on you can't risk that"
"LAUREN I FUCKING HAVE TO!" She shouted back running forward. I couldn't help but run after her but we were too late the ceiling was caving so we did what we knew best and covered the boy with our own bodies and let the ceiling fall.
It fell fast and all at once.
Then there was black.


I awoke to someone prodding my neck, and just as I was about to slap their hand away with a show of the finger just for good measure I was cut short with an unfarmiliar voice saying "ahh glad you could join us again miss Jauregui" my eyes slowly opened and I was met with the farmiliar station ceiling and the faces of 6 people: Normani, Dinah, Luke, Ashton and the paramedic. How the hell did I get back here I swear I just got crushed by a falling bit of roof.
"How? Why? What?" I was extremely confused and my throat hurt so in my dazed state that's all I could say.
"Dinah you wanna explain what happened?" Luke pushed Dinah's shoulder
"This should be good" I voiced quietly
"Where do you want me to start?" I was getting annoyed now.
"Dinah I don't care. Just tell me how the fuck I got here, why there's a paramedic prodding my neck, and where the little boy is" She looked at me blankly "THE FUCKING ROOF FALLING IN DINAH YOU PLANK! Start with the bloody roof falling on me and...Jade." Realisation hit me, Jade wasn't here. "And can someone please have the courtesy of telling me where the shit balls my best friend is."
"Ok maybe I suggest a little less stress." The paramedic but in "how about you recount it instead." He pointed at Ashton.
"Ok so after the roof fell on you and Jade you were knocked out. fortunately Jade was still here so she grabbed the toddler and put him over her shoulder whilst dragging you down two flights of stairs via the scruff of your uniform."
"Wait she did it all at once?" Dinah spoke up. We all glared at her and she put her head down, I motioned for Ashton to carry on.
"Yes she did. Anyway the boy is absolutely fine and after initial checks you were brought back here with a paramedic, still unconscious of course, and Jade was taken to have check ups."
"Oh thank god" I breathed out air I didn't even know I was holding in.
She was ok.

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