Unexpected Mate

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"Aaaarrggghhh!!! What now?" "Honey it's time to wake up you have training to get to." "Five more minutes mum." "C'mon honey, you know you can't miss training." I bolted up immediately. I seriously could not miss it only if i wanted my head on a stick.

I got up and went straight into the bathroom. I did all the usual stuff, brushed my teeth and took a shower. It took me like 20 minutes to get dressed. Since I was going for training I put on a grey sweatpants and a black tank top and black converse. I tied my hair in a messy bun and headed downstairs to where my mum, dad, two little brothers, my oldest brother and twin brother, yep i'm the only girl at least recently.

I greeted everyone and grabbed an apple and left for the training ground, not having enough time to have the amazing breakfast my mum had made. Anyway I made to the training grounds just in time.

Oh I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Victoria Black but my friends call me 'V'. I am a werewolf from the Moon shine pack which is one of the most powerful packs in the world. My dad is the alpha and my mum is of course the Luna. My oldest brother is the soon to be Alpha. My hair is jet black and my eyes are a blue green shade, I stand at about 5.7. Oh and I am also the only female warrior. I am a huge nerd. Honestly, if not for my older brothers I would be picked on a lot at school. Anyway I got to the training ground and as usual the beta's son Josh was leading the training session, just my luck. Let's just say Josh was a huge jerk, just cause he was next in line to be Beta, which means he and my oldest brother Adrian are of course best buds. When those two are together girls better watch out cause they would use and dump you. They even share chicks, 'I mean who does that?'

"Humph." I scoffed thinking of all the girls they've possibly been with. "What was that" Oh fudge cakes he heard me. "N-N-Nothing". I was so scared of Josh even though I was at a higher ranking than him. Who would blame me, he is huge but not as big as Adrian. He stands at 6 feet 2 and has light brown hair and hazel eyes. He is a catch but I would never go for him cause whenever Adrian wasn't there he would pick on me like today as Adrian isn't sitting in on training.

"Get in line nerd" He said in such a bitter tone. I bowed my head and stood in front of the line being the typical nerd, never stay at the back. We warmed up by running for like the longest time but I didn't even break a sweat. 'Thank you Werewolf abilities'. "Ok, select your partner to spar with" Josh commanded the group. As usual no one paired up with me so I headed towards a nearby tree to watch people spar. "Hey nerd, you with me." Did he just pick me to spar with him? 'Nahhh, his probably talking to someone behind you' I looked behind me and there was no one there. "Get ready to fight, NOW" I was shaken out of my thoughts by his all so scary voice. "We start in our human form and then shift, is that clear?" I nodded my head not trusting my voice cause I was still in shock, before I knew it he was charging at me but it was too late to react, he knocked me on my butt. I had to force the tears back in. People started laughing and more people were coming to watch us spar. I was pissed beyond pissitivity.

I got up and tackled him to the ground. I punched him square in the nose which caused blood to come out of it. To say he was shocked was an understatement but that was soon replaced with anger, his eyes turned black and he shifted into his wolf. I didn't hesitate to shift also. I love my wolf. She has ocean blue eyes and pure white fur with a black patch over her right eye and her name is 'Snow'. Josh's wolf was also impressive, his name is Jake and he has a dark brown almost black coat and an eye color to match.

Josh's wolf Jake came at me almost biting me but I quickly moved and he ran into a tree behind me. Almost the whole pack was now out watching us and they all started laughing at Josh. I was too busy laughing too that I didn't notice Jake charge at me, he tackled me to the ground but I quickly got him off by using my hind legs and I soon pinned him to the floor. The way I pinned him assured that he wouldn't be able to get free and it was pretty funny watching him struggle. But my fun was cut short. Adrian came over and pulled me off him. I growled in frustration I still wanted to prove that Joshie wasn't the big bad wolf he thinks he is and that he just got beat by a girl. "Don't growl at me sissy, go shift." Adrian told me through mind link so I went behind a tree and shifted back to the extra cloths I brought. When I got back from behind the tree Josh had already shifted to. "Look at you man, my baby sister whooped your butt." Adrian was busy making fun of Josh. "I wasn't on my game today." Josh said trying save what shred of pride he had left. "Yeah right, Okay people there's nothing else to see here, clearly my sissy here won." I smiled and looked over at Josh, he just stared at me and gave a 'This ain't over yet look'. Great just great.

I ran home and took a quick shower, laid in bed and started doing my homework. It was Sunday and i hadn't done my homework 'Lol typical teenager' As I was cross checking my work, my mum, Adrian and my twin bro Victor came into my room.

"Hy mum wassup" I said putting aside my books. "Hy sweety, so as you know you and Victor's 17th birthday is coming up in a few weeks and you still haven't found your mate yet." Oh ya i'm a 16 turning 17 years old she-wolf who hasn't found her mate yet thanks for reminding me MUM. Adrian and Victor found theirs and who knows ma little brothers who will be turning 16 in a few months would find their met before me and where does that leave me. mmmmm 'Nowhere'

"But mum...I-I don't even think I want a mate just yet" Truth is I would love to find my mate but I am scared that he will reject me. C'mon I am a huge nerd with only like 2 friends minus my brothers' mates, who would want me. "How can you say that Vicky" Victor was the one to speak this time "I know I can't stand you but you are pretty hot and any guy would be lucky to have you as a mate." I smiled at him. Even though we twins he looks nothing like me. He has dark brown hair and grey eyes and he is 6'0. I can't believe he said that, we usually at each others throat but he actually complimented me. awwww he cares about his little sister. I am only 3 minutes younger but he treats me like i'm 3 years younger.

"Lets just hope you find your mate soon ok?" my mum said "Ok mummy". With that they left my room. I checked the time on my phone, it read 2:00PM "Great I have nothing to do" I thought to myself. 'Let's go for a run' my wolf Snow begged. "That's not a bad idea" I said out loud. I put on a loose short dress and flats knowing they would be easier to slip off and on.

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