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I felt my eyes widen when I heard him pick up on the second ring. I pulled my phone away from my ear and stared at it wearily. I knew that I shouldn't be doing this, but I had to. I had to know how Harry was doing, and this was the only way I thought I could find out the truth. 

"Hello?" He asked again.

I took a deep breath and brought the phone back up to my ear. "Hey, Louis."

Louis was quiet for a second. "Who is this?"

"It's Macy." I winced, afraid of Louis reaction. "I know this is a random call. Harry gave me your number a while back in case of an emergency or something." 

"What a weirdo." Louis sighed. He stayed quiet for another moment. "Why are you calling me, Macy?" 

I swallowed then walked to my bed. When I took a seat I crossed my legs and began picking at a fluffy decorative pillow. 

"I just wanted to hear how Harry was."

"Why don't you call Harry and ask him yourself?" Louis asked. "I'm sure he'd love to finally talk to you." 

"I can't." I said, shaking my head. 

"Sure you can." 

"No, I can't."

"You can't or you won't?"

"It's better if I stop all contact with Harry." I said, hugging the pillow against me.

Louis let out a breath. "So, you're calling me to ask about the boy you broke up with and are now ignoring." 

"When you put it like that-" 

"I don't see how you thought that I could go behind Harry's back and speak to you, while he's been watching his phone like a hawk in hopes you'd reach out to him."

"You don't understand..." I said, closing my eyes. 

"Maybe I don't, but from my perspective I've had to see one of my best mates mope around for the past three weeks because the girl he was completely in love with broke up with him. I've got to go, Macy."

"No!" I said. "Louis, please." My voice sounded like a weak whine, but I was desperate.

The line went quiet for a moment too long, but then Louis spoke up. "Macy, what's going on?"

I swallowed and took a shaky breath. Louis was my last tie to Harry. "I just have to know if he's okay. What has he been up to? Is he moving on? Has he said anything-"

"Slow down," Louis sighed. On his end there was shifting. "Like I said earlier he's been moping around, he misses you a lot. He makes face for the people around him but it's in the little things he does that I can see how much he's hurting. He looks exhausted all of the time. I think you were the first girl he's ever really loved, Macy." Louis said. I stayed quiet but nodded my head. I felt my nose prickle and tears brim my eyes. If I said anything I'd crack. "His wallpaper on his phone is still of the two of you but he won't change it."

I covered the microphone on my phone and inhaled a sharp, shaky breath. I closed my eyes and continued to listen to everything Louis was telling me even though it hurt like hell.

"So, do I think he's moving on from you? Absolutely not. And he probably won't for a long time. The only time he's ever opened up was after a night of drinking and he was visibly upset. All he told me was that he had no idea what happened, but that he really believes that you'll come back. Since you haven't he's been putting the blame on himself. He feels like he's done something wrong to make it so easy for you to break up with him."

"It wasn't easy! He didn't do anything." I said, not caring that it was evident in my voice that I was crying.

"Then what was it? Do you still love him, Macy?"

I stayed quiet but silently nodded my head.

"I'm going to take that as a yes." Louis said. "Why would you be calling me to talk about him if you didn't, right?"

"Please don't tell Harry I called."

"I won't." Louis promised. "As long as you tell me why."


"Why did you break up with him? I want the truth."

I sniffed and wiped my cheek. "Because he deserves better than me."

"What makes you think that?"

"Nothing, I just know it. He deserves someone in his lifestyle. Someone popular and known who understands what he goes through."

Louis almost laughed. "Macy, do you realize my girlfriend is exactly like you? She's not famous, or anything of the sort, but I love every part of her. I can honestly say I can't see myself loving anyone but her. What makes you believe that crap?"

"I'm bringing Harry down. Your fans hate me, and I'm bad for not only Harry but the entire band-"

"What are you talking about?"

"With sales and everything-"


"I was just told that Harry would be better off without me and I believe that-"

"Wait. What?"

"I mean like, he can achieve more if I wasn't in the way. He should date someone who lives closer to him and someone in the public eye that people like-"

"Macy, stop. Back up." Louis' tone flattened. "What was that you just said?"

"He should date someone closer-"

"No. You were told he would be better off without you?"

I felt my heart drop. I didn't even realize I said that. "I mean like I told myself..."

"Holy shit." Louis said, then let out a angry breath. "This is making more sense, now."


"I've got to go." Louis said.

"What? Why-"

"I've got something I have to do, I'll speak later." Louis said.

"Fine! Just don't tell Harry-"

"Don't worry."

"You promised!" I shouted, but the only reply I got back was a dial tone. 


Harry's POV 

I was only half paying attention as I watched my Yoshi fall off of the side of Rainbow Road for the thirteenth time in a row. I sighed, then restarted the level once again. Just as the screen flashed "Go!" the door burst open. 

I frowned at Louis. "Please, come in." 

"Sorry." Louis said a little out of breath. His breathing was heavy and he frowned.

"Is everything okay?" I asked, setting my remote aside. 

Louis shook his head. "We have to talk."

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