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"What are you doing here?" I asked, my voice a mix of suspicion and worry. My eyes darted between my mom and William. "Is everything okay?"

"I'd prefer if we had this discussion in private." William said, looking to my mom and forcing a smile in her direction when she realized he was signalling for her to leave.

My mom looked at me, waiting to see what I wanted. I nodded at her and she forced a smile onto her lips.

"I'll just be upstairs if you need me." She said, giving my shoulder a squeeze before going up the stairs.

I felt dread consume me. I instantly wished I had asked my mom to stay. When I looked back at William, he nodded his head toward the kitchen and I followed him.

William took a seat at the head of the table, then moved the chair beside him back for me to sit. Once I sat down I looked at William, waiting for him to speak.

"I've been working with Harry for a couple of years now," William started. He folded his hands on the table. "I've seen him at his best and his worst. I'm sure you'd agree when I say that I know what's good for him."

I nodded, feeling my heartbeat pick up. William always had a permanent scowl on his face whenever I had seen him in the past, but this time it was different. His scowl was replaced with a solemn look. Like he was about to break terrible news to me.

"Macy, things have been difficult for Harry lately. The tabloids love to make up stories that put Harry down. They look for any excuse to tear away at the poor boy." William sighed. "I know you care about Harry, and that's why I think you'll understand what I'm going to ask you to do. You do care about him, right?"

"Yes." I nodded, my voice barely audible.

"Then I need you to let him go, Macy."

I blinked, "What?"

"Ever since you and Harry came out to the public, he's gotten nothing but bad press. He was 'dating' Victoria Sparks less than a month before he was seen with you. The fans are livid about your relationship with him, and the media is making him out to be a two-timer."

I bit my cheek and shook my head. "If Harry just told them the truth-"

"What? That his relationship with Victoria was fake and he's been dating you for God knows how long? The fans will feel lied to, and Harry signed a contract that forbids him to tell anyone that his and Victoria's relationship was fake."

"I'm not just going to breakup with Harry..." I said, feeling myself get angry. "I love him."

"Do what's best for him, Macy. Let him go. I'm sure he's mentioned to you that there have been people outside of his house, right?"

I nodded. "Paparazzi, yeah, but-"

William shook his head. "Not only paparazzi but angry fans of Victoria. They hate Harry. Even some of his own fans are upset with him. The media is calling him a coward. Haven't you read a magazine recently? Harry doesn't take negative press well, Macy."

I looked down at the table. I felt dizzy. What if William was actually right? I knew that he was a jerk and never liked me, but I also knew that Harry trusted him. They've worked together since the beginning. If anyone were to know what was best for Harry, it would be William.

But that didn't mean I was ready for this situation to be sprung upon me. I wasn't ready to break up with the boy I was completely in love with. He mean't everything to me.

There was a nagging thought in the back of my mind that reminded me not to be selfish. If staying with Harry would make me happy, was it really better for him? If I really did love him, wouldn't I want the best for him?

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