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Lindsay and I are in my kitchen, me slumped in one of the chairs at my kitchen table and Lindsay propped up on the counter. She swings her legs back and forth while digging her hand into a bag of salt and vinegar chips, then stuffs her mouth full. 

We sit in the same silence that we've been sitting in for the last thirty minutes. My hands have finally stopped shaking, but my brain was still on a high. 

"Have you replied yet?" Lindsay asks mid-chew. Little bits of chip spit out of her mouth.

"No... And don't talk with your mouth full. It's gross." 

"Sorry, Mom." Lindsay says with an eye roll. She makes a show of chewing rapidly and swallowing before she continues. "Why haven't you replied? He's going to think you're avoiding him... again."

I shift around in my seat and unlock my phone, looking at the text Harry sent me not long after our little run in.


I mean't what I said. You are even prettier in person.

I toss my phone back onto the kitchen table and look at Lindsay. "What do I even say to that?"

Lindsay shrugs. "Tell him he does too." I stare at Lindsay and she stares back at me with an expression more blank than mine. "What? It's true..."

I roll my eyes, then feel my heart drop when my phone starts to vibrate. I look at the screen, and the picture of Harry that covers it.

"He's calling me..."


"He's calling me!" I say again. I feel stupid for feeling nervous when it comes to Harry. He is the same person I've always talked to, but today made it so real. Here was this incredibly handsome famous person, trying to talk to me

My head races with flashbacks of today. The stare, those girls surrounding me... His eyes...

God, those eyes.

"Answer it!" Lindsay says, hopping off of the counter. When I stay stagnant, Lindsay sighs and picks my phone up off of the counter and answers the call.

"Jell-o? Macy's phone. This is Lindsay. Yes. Yes she is. One second, please."

Lindsay extends her arm and waves the phone in my face. I want to give her a dirty look, but I am grateful. If it weren't for Lindsay's boldness I would have missed out on a lot more in my life than I have already.

I take the phone and bring it up to my ear. "Hello?" 

"Hi." Harry says. His voice is smooth, calm. Turns out our meet today didn't stir him up the same way it did me.

"Hi." I say back.  

"It was nice meeting you today." 

I can hear the smile in his voice, and I can't help but smile too. "Even though I ruined your shirt? And pants? And shoes..."

"You could have accidentally set me on fire and it would have still been a pleasure to run into you." 

"Well, that's a bit extreme." I say, biting my cheek to try and stop my smile from growing.

Harry laughs. "It was, wasn't it?"

I hum in response, and look up at Lindsay who is smiling at me with so much excitement, even though she can't even hear what he's saying.

"So, have you made any decisions about my proposition?" Harry asks.

"What proposition?" 

"About meeting up with me later." 

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