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I stepped out of the taxi, gawking up at the enormous venue ahead of me. I took a couple of steps forward, looking at all of the bustling, excited girls ahead of me. Girls closer to my age jumped around excitedly with their friends, sporting One Direction t-shirts over a pair of tight dark jeans or leggings. Others wore flashy low cut tops, probably in the hopes of attracting one of the boys attention.

I walked through the crowd timidly, apologizing whenever someone ran into me even when it wasn't actually my fault. Certain girls looked me up and down, probably thinking I was one of the girls trying to attract the boys attention. I looked down at my outfit choice; a loose dark red tank top with dark jeans and brown leather sandals. Other then the cluster of bracelets on my arma or the long cross necklace draped around my neck there wasn't anything spectacular about my outfit. In my honest opinion, I was probably under dressed looking at the odd girl in a cocktail dress.

I looked over to Lindsay, who wore a white sundress with gladiators.

"Are we under dressed?" I asked as quietly as I could. Lindsay shrugged, looking at the other girls walking passed. She was probably feeling the same way as me, but didn't say anything.

As we approached the arena and the doors swung open, the sound heightened. People bustled even quicker inside, although everyone stood in a big group. I gulped, feeling claustrophobic already. Lindsay and I got pushed around by girls trying to push towards the front of the group, and at one point we almost lost one another.

I let out a exasperated sigh when we got to the front.

"Tickets, please?" The lady holding the ticket scanner said. She looked past Lindsay and I, rolling her eyes at squealing girls a few feet behind us.

"We were told to ask for William Adams?" I shouted over the squealing girls.

The lady frowned, looking over her shoulder and shouting over to her co-worker a few steps away. It took a couple shouts of her name until the lady heard and bustled over.

"They're asking for William Adams..." The lady shouted. "Do you know who that is?"

The other lady who had a different vest on, one that looked a tad bit fancier nodded. "What's your names?"

"Lindsay and Macy!" Lindsay shouted at the woman. The woman studied us, looking us up and down. She raised a brow looking at our outfit choices then shrugged, turning around and waving over her shoulder to get us to follow her. I looked over at Lindsay skeptically, but we both followed her around the crowd. When we reached the ticket checkers on the first floor, the lady we followed waved her hand in a dismissive way and continued walking past them with Lindsay and I close behind. This women must have been a manager or something because no one questioned her. Either that, or everyone who worked here was just afraid of her considering the constant scowl she wore.

Once we walked around the first floor and past the different doors, we turned into section 101.

"William Adams works for One Direction," The lady informed us. "He'll be waiting on the right side of the doors."

With that she turned and walked away, leaving Lindsay and I alone with fans who walked past us and into the arena. Lindsay stepped forward, with me close behind her.

When we walked through the doors, down the small corridor and into the enormous concert arena we looked around, both of our jaws dropping. Almost all of the seats were full. From our stance everyone in the higher sections looked like tiny ants. From above, I could hear multiple girls shouting "One Direction!" over and over again, causing more and more girls to join in their chant. Some girls jumped excitedly, while others sat in their seats talking to the people on either side of them. Moms with their children dug their hands into their popcorn, eating calmly, while their child's eyes lit bright while they looked around the enormous room at all of the people, the stage and flashing lights. On the smaller screens on either side of the stage were twitter questions which people texted in, earning a squeal here and there when someones tweet made it on the screen.

Far AwayTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang