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Lindsay tightens her blonde ponytail, then rests her arms on the table and leans towards me. "You're dating Harry Styles, can you believe that?"

I swat her arm then look around, making sure no one could hear. When I was sure no prying ears were listening I frown at Lindsay. "We're not dating, we haven't even met yet."

"Yet." Lindsay says with a wink. "Do you think any of his band mates are single and interested in a tall, blonde beauty like myself?"

I raise a brow at her. "What happened to you and-"

Lindsay raises her fingers to my lips and shakes her head. "We don't mention that name here. He's over and done with. It appears that he is, in fact, a loser."

I pout. "I'm sorry to hear that, Linds."

Lindsay sits up and shakes her head. "Don't feel bad. It's for the best. I think I'm my most powerful when there's not a sneaky boy distracting me." She raises her coffee cup up to her lips and takes a long sip. When she sets the cup down, she looks at me with excitement in her eyes. "So, when does he get here?"

"They've got a show in three days."

Lindsay almost chokes. "Three days? That's soon!"

"You're telling me." I say, leaning back against the booth seat. I wanted to evaporate. Just talking about meeting Harry gives me anxiety.

"What's that look?" Lindsay asks, her eyes searching my face. "You're meant to be excited. Why do you look like you're dreading it?"

I look at her and bite my cheek, my nervous habit. "I'm scared."

"Macy... Don't do this."


"You're going to get in your head and freak yourself out. Stop it."

I sit up and look down, inspecting my nails and avoiding Lindsay's eyes. I can feel my anxiety make my heart beat quicken. "He's Harry Styles..."

"And you're Macy Turner." Lindsay says, not missing a beat. "He likes you, Macy."

I look up at Lindsay and my shoulders slump. "What if I'm not what he likes in person? What if meeting him changes everything?"

Lindsay reaches across the table and grabs my hand. "Things will change, Macy. But for the better. Don't freak out. It'll be great."

I give Lindsay's hand a squeeze and nod. When Lindsay smiles at me I force a smile back. "I won't freak out." I say to her, and I try my best to mean it.


"I've given the boys the run down on you." Harry says.

I roll over in bed and smirk. "Oh, have you?"

"Yes. They're all weirdo's though. I really should be giving you the run down on them. Or a warning, at the very least."

"I'm sure they'll be fine."

"We'll see." Harry says. "So the show's at eight, but you can come a little bit before and we can hang out. Then after the show we can do something, too. I don't have to be up early the next day so we've got time."

Harry starts talking a million miles per minute. He seems so excited, talking about plans of meeting and the things we can do. He brings up walking around New York with him and showing him around, and I go along with it, although we both know that isn't an actual thing that we can do.

When Harry talks about meeting me, there wasn't a single falter in his voice. Its as if to him there's absolutely nothing that can go wrong. He's so sure of it, and so excited... It makes me think there's something wrong with me. Why am I so scared?


I snap out of my thoughts and shake my head. "Sorry, what?"

"Oh, I thought the call disconnected. You were quiet."

"I was just thinking, sorry."

"Everything okay?"

I think for a second. I feel like if I tell Harry what I told Lindsay he'd just brush it off, but I know he deserves to know what's going through my head regardless.

"I'm just nervous."

"I am, too."

"You are?" I ask, bewildered. "Why?"

"Because I'm meeting you. I don't want to mess it up."

"I doubt you could." I say, feeling almost comforted by the mutual nervousness.

"You never know. I've got my insecurities."

"Me too."

"Try not to," Harry says. I stay quiet, and he continues. "I like you for you, Mace. The person I talk to every day and see on Facetime. We're both going to be nervous, and potentially awkward, but regardless of my nerves meeting you is something I'm genuinely looking forward to. It's a big step, and I want to take it."

I nod, and place my hand over my chest, feeling my heart racing. I take a deep breath and try to ignore the anxiety overcoming me.

"I do, too."

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