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Harry's POV

I can't help but look at every face that bustles past me. I take my bottom lip between my teeth and dig my hands into my pockets, then cross my arms. Then I put them back into my pockets. What the hell do I do with my hands?

I stand backstage, near the entrance, a place where Macy couldn't miss me when she walks in. My stomach feels tight, full of nerves, but I'm excited. This is it.

Every time the door opens, I straighten up and get ready to wave Macy over, but each time it opens and closes without seeing her I can't help but feel more and more disappointed. 

"Harry, we've got to go on soon." Niall says, walking toward me. I don't bother to look at him, scared that the second I look away from the door I'll miss her walking in. "You've been waiting here for over an hour, mate. I don't think she's coming."

"She is." I say, biting my cheek. "New York's a busy place, she's probably stuck in traffic." 

I quickly glance over to Niall, and he nods. "Yeah, maybe." He says, and puts his hand on my shoulder. "We've still got to start the show, though. Come, mate." 

Niall uses his hand on my shoulder to guide me away from the door and I try not to feel disappointed. She's just running late. I'll see her in the crowd, or after the show. I'll see her, it's fine. 

The lights dim, the introduction video starts and once it finishes the boys and I run out on stage. Instantly I look over to the spot that's close enough to the stage that I can see it's the only empty seat in the entire arena; Macy's seat. 

Throughout the show my eyes trail back to that seat, which remained empty the entire time. I knew I was now being naive, but I refused to admit that she may not show up. She wouldn't do that... 

When the lights dim, the boys and I run backstage as the second teaser video plays. During our thirty seconds to fix ourselves up for the next few songs, I dig into my pocket and pull my phone out. I turn the screen on and feel my jaw clench when the only thing I see on my screen is a single message from Macy.

Macy (10:23 PM)

I'm sorry...


Macy's POV

"So I guess you didn't go, huh?" 

I jump up from my slouched position on my bed, with my laptop on my legs. I look over to the doorway and see Lindsay standing there with her arms folded and a look on her face that I'm unsure is disappointed or sympathetic.

I open my mouth to give an excuse that she could maybe believe, but then I close it, defeated. I've felt horrible all night, and from Harry's lack of text messages I knew he was upset with me. I messed everything up because I'm a coward. 

Lindsay, noticing the tears brimming my eyes shakes her head. "Okay, no tears. It's okay." She says, rushing to my bed to wrap her arms around me. 

I squeeze my eyes closed, trying to fight more tears from running down my cheeks, but it's no use. I start to think about how the night could have gone if I would have just shown up to the concert, and all of the things Harry and I would have been doing now.

Lindsay pulls away and looks at my face. "We've got to get out of here." She says. 

"What?" I say, wiping my face with the sleeve of my sweater. "Why? Where?"

"Being cooped up in your room isn't going to make you feel better, is it?" She states simply. "Freshen up and we'll go for coffee. I'll wait downstairs." She says. She gives my arm a comforting rub, then leaves my room.

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