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I looked around the crowded room nervously, feeling anxiety build up when I couldn't spot Lindsay. After she basically dragged me out of my house to this stupid house party, she immediately disappeared within the mass of people... Typical.

My eyes focused on a guy with a football player build, my brows narrowing as he looked me up and down. I glared at him to try and scare him off, but instead of taking a hint he made his way towards me. I sighed and stood straight, trying my best to ignore his approach. 

"Hey babe, what's your name?"  

I looked over at him, his eyes glossy and his lips plump. I wasn't usually rude but from the looks of it, he was very drunk and probably expected something else from me other then a nice conversation. 

I looked away from him, bringing my nearly empty cup to my lips and taking a sip. 

"What're you drinking?" He asked, raising his brows as his glossy brown eyes looked from my cup back to me. 

I continued on ignoring him in hopes that he would get bored and leave.  

"Why would you come to a party if you aren't going to talk to anyone?" The boy asked now, crossing his arms. I looked over at him skeptically, trying to come up with a response. The boy raised his brows at me as he waited for me to reply.

"Mikey!" A voice called, causing the uncomfortable silence to break between us. I looked over to where the voice was coming from, feeling a wave of relief flooding over me. "I see you've met my friend Macy." Trevor said, as he wrapped his arm around Mikey. Trevor looked over at me, a smile forming on his lips. 

"No, man! She doesn't even talk." Mikey gruffed, bringing his beer to his lips. 

"She doesn't?" Trevor asked, raising a brow. "Did she offend you, Mikey?"  

Mikey nodded as he stared at me. "A little bit, yeah." 

Trevor patted Mikey's chest. "How about I have a chat with Macy on why she's being rude, and I'll come see you later, okay big guy?" Trevor asked. Mikey nodded, his expression still glum as he turned and walked away. Once he disappeared amongst the crowd of people, Trevor faced me. "I didn't think you were capable of being rude." He said with a smirk. 

"I'm not!" I said defensively. "He's just a really big guy, and it's not strange to think that he just wanted something from me-" 

Trevor let out a loud laugh, causing some people to look over. "Mikey?" He asked. "Jeeze, you're a bad judge of character."  

"What?" I asked. I couldn't help but smile back at Trevor even though I didn't understand the joke. His smile was contagious. 

"Mikey writes poetry." Trevor said, after calming down from his fit of laughter. "He's the nicest guy I know. He's honestly a gentle giant." 

"Giants can be womanizers, too." I argued, sipping the last bit of my drink. 

"Did you not see his chastity ring?" Trevor asked. "That thing's huge!" 

I laughed. "Well now I just feel guilty."  

"You should!" Trevor agreed. "Especially for not texting me for a while..."  

I bit my lip. "I was really busy last week."  

"Were you?" Trevor asked, "Did that have something to do with a certain boy band being in the city?" 

My lips pulled up into a smile. "Potentially." 

Trevor nodded. "I see. Well, how about we get you another refill and you can tell me all about it, alright?" 

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