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"So, Macy!" Niall booms, sitting down beside me on the couch. His arm rests on the back of the couch behind me while his left leg sits crossed loosely over the other. "Let's talk." He says with a mischievous smile. 

Zayn joins us, water bottle in hand, and sits on the couch across from us. "Yeah, let's." 

I look behind Niall and I, seeing the other two boys, Harry and Lindsay all out on the balcony. Harry has his head tilted back in laughter and Lindsay's smirking at something Louis was telling them.

I turn back and look from Zayn then to Niall, wondering what they were up to. "Okay. What would you like to talk about?" 

"Harry, obviously." Zayn says. 

"How do you feel about our mate?" Niall chimes in.

"We're friends-"

Niall scoffs, but smiles over at Zayn. "Friends." 

"Have you guys talked about your feelings for each other yet?" Zayn asks. He was quieter than the others, but from the smirk spread across his lips I knew he wasn't shy. Zayn uncaps his water bottle and takes a sip, still waiting for my response. As he re-caps his bottle, his eyes move past Niall and I and his smile deepens. "Well, Harry is obsessed with you, so I think you should just have that conversation with him and get it over with." 

"Oh, behave." Harry says from behind me. My heart dips at the sound of his voice and I turn around and smile up at him. His smile reflects mine. "They bothering you?"

I look at Niall who beams at me and laugh. "No, they're fine." 

From behind Macy, Lindsay and the other boys walk in. Harry looks from them, then back to me. He nods his head toward the doors. "Wanna get some fresh air?" 

From the way everyone had their eyes on the two of us it started feeling stuffy in here, fast. "Fresh air sounds good." I nod, standing up from the couch. 

Lindsay winks as I walk past her with Harry behind me and I hear her ask if the boys wanted to play Mario Party as we slide open the door. She was so comfortable with them, it's as if she'd been raised around celebrities her entire life.

Harry slides the door closed behind him and we walk to the side of the balcony, out of eyesight from the hotel room. I rest my arms on the railing and look up, the stars barely visible but the moon bright. Harry leans beside me and follows my eyes to the moon. 

"Do you want to know something cheesy?" He asks.

"Of course." I look over at him, a smiling spreading on my lips by just looking at his dimpled grin.

"Before we met I would look up at the moon in the hopes that you were looking at it at the same time. It made me feel like you were closer somehow. Just two people, on opposite ends of the world, under the same stars."

I bump my shoulder with his. "Poetic." I say, looking back up at the moon. "Cheesy, but poetic." 

Harry laughs. "Whatever." I turn toward him to see him looking at me. "You know, those guys won't be so overwhelming the next time you come around. Probably."

"Oh, so there's going to be a next time?" 

"Oh definitely. You're in this now, sorry. You've basically subscribed to frequent visits from yours truly." 

I look at him, and shrug. "I don't have any issues with that." 

Harry moves a closer to me, our arms touching. "None?" 

I shake my head, hoping he thought the goosebumps on my arms were caused by the cool night air. I notice his eyes move from my eyes down to my lips, then back to my eyes. "None." I say, my voice coming out soft.

My heart pounds in my chest as Harry gently begins to lean forward. I let my eyes close as his lips near mine, then the sound of a PANG! on the balcony door causes us both to jump back.

I brush my hair back and inhale a shaky breath as Harry and I both look at our friends scrambling from the other side of the balcony door, the steam from their noses pressed against it still visible. 

"Real nice!" Harry half shouts, then turns towards me, his cheeks flushed. "I'm sorry-"

"Don't be." I nod toward the door at Lindsay, who was the only one who didn't feel the need to hide after being caught spying. She smiles and waves to us, then blows air on the window and draws a heart in the steam. "I brought the worst one." 

Harry half laughs, then turns back toward me. He steps forward, and reaches down for my hand but notices me look at Lindsay and retreats. 

"We should probably get going." I say softly. 

Harry's shoulders slump. "Okay." He says. I start to walk past him toward the door put he places a hand on my arm and stops me. "Mace, come to our show tomorrow."


Harry nods. "I'd really like it if you did."

I smile, then nod. "I'll be there." 

Harry beams, then follows me into the hotel room. I frown at Lindsay. "Come on, shit disturber. Time to go." 

Lindsay and the other boys laugh, and she curtsies as she says goodbye to all of them. Extra, as always. They all wave to me from the couch then Harry, Lindsay and I walk toward the door. Lindsay says bye to Harry, then starts making her way down the hallway. 

I turn toward Harry who opens his arms. It takes me a second to register, then I walk forward and he wraps his arms around me. Harry engulfs me, and being pressed against his chest I could finally appreciate just how good he smelt. I let out a little sigh and he hugs me a little tighter. 

"See you tomorrow then?" He says, and I nod, pulling away.


I take a step back and Harry's arms trail down mine, then my hands. I take a step back, Harry still holding onto my fingertips. 

"Tomorrow." He repeats. 

I take another step back and smirk, turning. "Tomorrow!" I call over my shoulder, walking toward Lindsay who was smiling at me from the other end of the hallway. 

I almost skip to her, even though she and the other boys interrupted Harry kissing me.

Harry almost kissed me.

"You guys look so good together." Lindsay says when I reach her.

I lean forward and press the elevator button. I look over at her and frown. "Don't suck up to me. You know what you did." 

Lindsay giggles, then bumps her hip with mine. "Soo good together!"

Far AwayTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon