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"Put on the glasses," I instructed, walking towards Harry and crossing my arms as I looked him up and down. Harry reached into his pocket and pulled out the black pair of sunglasses, putting them on before raising his brows at me.

"So?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows. "Does it look like me?"

"Yeah... Put up your hood, maybe then it won't?" I offered. Harry nodded then lifted his hood and shrugged.


I bit my lip and looked him up and down. He wore sweatpants with a light gray baggy sweater (which Lindsay had stolen from her brothers room and dropped off at my house), and with the hood draped around his head and sunglasses shielding his eyes you wouldn't be able to guess that he was Harry Styles... If I were to walk down the street I would pass right by him.

"I think it'll work." I said at last, nodding my head. "You should talk with an American accent though."

"Yeah, definitely." Harry nodded, walking towards me. Once he stood close enough to me he wrapped his arms around me, and I followed suit. He smiled down at me before asking. "You're sure you want to try this?"

I nodded up at him, my smile growing as excitment flooded over me. "Absolutely." I said, standing up on my toes to meet his lips.


After begging my mom to let me take the car the answer was still no, so during the entire car ride Harry and I had to listen to her babble on about stories about her college days and how she almost got into a fight at the grocery store over a bag of croissants. When she finally pulled over to the curb, I quickly reached for the door handle to escape.

"Bye Mace! You two be careful, okay?" My mom called as I hopped out of the car. "If there's any trouble, call me!"

"Okay!" I said, giving her a smile as I got out of the car. Once my feet hit the pavement I turned to see Harry scooting out, then wave to my mom before closing the door. As my mom drove away from us, Harry placed his hands in his pockets and looked around. He kept his head down as he walked towards me.

"You don't have to avoid looking at people, Harry. No one even knows you're... you." I smirked.

Harry looked up and shrugged. "I'm just nervous. I don't want to mess this up. I know it's important to you."

I smiled at him and took his hand in mine. "It'll be fine." I said. After our fingers entwined I began walking, Harry falling into step with me.

"So where are we going?" He asked, his voice low.

"We can go for lunch?" I shrugged, looking over at him.

Harry smiled. "That sounds good." He said. As we continued to walk down the street and Harry realized no one was giving him a second glance, he wasn't as tense. His grip on my hand loosened and he even swung our hands back and forth as we talked. For the first time since we've started this relationship, I actually felt like it was normal.

Once we found a small diner, we walked in and got seated into a booth in the back corner. Harry sat with his back away from everyone. No one other than our waitress and I could see him.

"Just a chicken burger and fries for me, please." I said, handing my menu back to our waitress. She nodded and smiled at the two of us before turning away to place our orders. I looked back at Harry and studied him, a million thoughts running through my head.

"What are you thinking about?" Harry asked, raising a brow.

"People probably think you're a weirdo for wearing sunglasses inside." I said, smiling back at Harry when he smirked at me.

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