Chapter 36

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A/N: OMGOSH!!! I just realized WE ALMOST HIT 1,000 COMMENTS!!! That's crazy unbelievable! THANKS SO MUCH TO EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU!!!

We are at 965....hopefully, if I ever finish this book, we can reach 1,000!!!

And the amount of votes are:


Almost 500, so my ending goal is to get 500 votes and 1,000 comments! I think we can do it!!! ;)

Anyway, to the story!

The next day at school, front and center, were the trees Dex had made. Swarms of kids were looking at them, and some girls were turning red. People went over to talk to Dex about it, but he just shrugged it off; he looked miserable.

I walked over, twisting my fingers, and spoke, "You're really talented. Seems like everyone loves it."

"I don't," he spat out quickly.

I didn't say anything, and he walked ahead of me.

Suddenly, he whipped around and said, "You know, you have friends for a reason, right? You're supposed to tell people when bad things are happening to you!"

"Dex, please. Lets not get into--"

"What? Not talk about what's going on? You're so stupid sometimes! Can't you see that people care about you?" He let out a long sigh. "You're starting to act like Sophie. Except she thinks she can handle anything in an-almost-can-kill-you situation. You believe everything everyone says and then you bury it away instead of talking about it. I want to help you, but I can't if you won't let me."

"I don't know how to make it stop," I whispered.

"First, lets get you a new locker," he said.

"What do you mean? Then someone else will be ambushed by hateful letters," I said.

Dex gave me a smile, "I just got an idea."


I saw Stina, Maruka, and Mavis walk into the room with blue dye all over their clothes and hands. I glanced at Dex, and we both shared a secret smile.

"What happened?" The professor asked, voice laced with concern.

The three girls all looked at each other.

"Well, Maruka and I saw Mavis shoving notes into Biana's locker. And when we came over to tell her bullying is not a joke at this school, when her locker shot out this blue ink. And we can't get it off. I think Biana got her sweet friend to help her figure out who was behind it, and I'm just so hurt that Mavis tell her that she was a waste of space, all because she wanted Dex," Stina said.

I couldn't help but stifle a laugh. I knew Stina was part of it, but the professor wasn't buying it.

"How'd you know what the note said? Wouldn't it have been inside her locker?" The woman asked raising an eyebrow.

Stina was at a loss for words for the first time ever.

"All three of you to the office, NOW!" She shouted.

Stina gave Dex a glare before sashaying out. I gave him a thumbs up, and he shrugged.


After class I ran after Dex.

"Hey Dex, can we talk?" I asked, twiddling my thumbs.

He looked at me, slightly biting his lip, and nodded. We entered an empty classroom, it was lunch after all.

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