Chapter 6 Biana

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Mom was by my side as we walked into the Elwin's office. He was already fixing up supplies for the hand.

"The lady of the hour arrives!" Elwin says with a lopsided smile.

"Will it hurt?" I asked quietly, rubbing my arm nervously.

"No, all you'll feel is a pinch of discomfort and then you won't feel a thing!" Elwin reassured.

I nodded and laid down on the cot, my mom sat in a chair.

"Della," Elwin coughed nervously, "I'd suggest leaving the room. It might get a little...messy."

I looked at my mom, and she frowned looking worried. She looked back at me. 

"Hey mom?" I asked quietly.

"Yes sweetheart?" She asked quickly.

"Could you-could you talk to Fitz? Tell him I miss him? He's staying at Alvar's, but don't tell him I told you. Also, could you grab me my card? You know, so I can access my birth fund?"

She nodded her head, "Okay. We can do that aft-"

"Could you do it now, please? That way when my hand thingy's done I don't have to worry about it."

She nodded, "Okay. I'll be back before you know it!"

I watched her hurry out of the room, and released a breath I was holding. I knew if she'd stayed she would've seen something she didn't want to see and that'd result in her fainting or becoming hysterical and Elwin couldn't deal with that.

Elwin gave me a reassuring smile and pulled out an elixar.

"Drink this, it should make you fall asleep and not feel anything," he said with a reassuring smile.

"Oh! Before I forget, Dex told me to tell you to make the metal hand detatchable that way I can switch them out and everything," I said smiling sheepishly.

Elwin gave me a look, "So you say..."

"Yep!" I said quickly, trying not to blush at the thought of kissing Dex on the cheek.

And with that I tipped my head back, and downed the cold dense liquid. It tasted like pure sugar and rainbows.

It worked instantly and I don't remember feeling my eyes flutter close.


I woke up feeling delirious.

"Mom?" I whispered quietly as my eyes adjusted to the light.

I tried to sit up when I felt a wave of pain trail the whole way up my arm. 

It's on fire.

I could smell the burning flesh, and I started screaming.


But all I heard was the laugh.

The laugh I'd never forget; cold, dark, and full of hatred.

I bolted upward gasping for air. It was just a dream...just a dream. Elwin stood up abruptly from his chair, pen flying onto the floor, rushing to my side.

"Are you alright what's wrong? Sudden movement could be bad for the arm," he finalized.

"I-I'm fine. Just had a bad dream," I mumbled easing myself up into the upright position.

My skin ended at my elbow and then there was a shiny ring of polished metal.


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