Chapter 2

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After she and Fitz Leaped

The searing pain didn't cease and I didn't care that I looked like a wimp, or that my mascara was running. I was crying, sobbing so hard it made my heart ache. I suddenly felt a lot of sympathy for Jolie, and ironically Brant when his hand was melting.

Sandor held me tightly to his chest, though he did make sure I kept my burning arm away from him.

Fitz was hailing Elwin as we ran towards an open clearing.

The worst part was I couldn't touch my hand, which meant I couldn't hold it or put it in my mouth to make it feel better, I had to watch my flesh burn.

It felt like tons of needles stabbing me over and over with someone pressing a hot plate on my hand.

"M-Make it stop!" I blubbered, not caring how I sounded.

Fitz was crying as he screamed at Elwin to hurry up. I never saw him this angry, except for the time when Dad's mind broke, and maybe that time at lunch with Keefe.

I said through gritted teeth, "I'm okay Fitz. It's all going to be okay."

I tried to be calm for him, it made me sad seeing my brother so down. That's why I became so silent when Dad's mind broke, I was so used to smiling happy Fitz, that I didn't know what to do when he wasn't.

Fitz started crying harder, "How can you say that? You're hand is burning!"

I sighed, "Maybe one day we'll all look back on this and laugh?" 

Fitz started hailing someone else.

The burning felt stronger and more intense, I closed my eyes. But when I tried to open them All I saw was a black world.


I turned back around after telling Lady Galvin to bring some Frissyn. I saw Biana on the ground, her eyes closed, chest not moving.

I ran to her side, dropping my importer.

"Biana! BIANA!" I shouted shaking her shoulders.

Sandor knelt beside her, placing his head on her chest.

He let out a breath he was holding, "She's still alive. But they have to hurry, I'm going to run out by the gates. If her heart goes out, pound her chest like this."

Sandor demonstrated on the ground for me before sprinting off to wait for the others.

"Stay with me Biana," I whispered, brushing her hair out of her face.


I snapped my eyes open and screamed.

"WHERE AM I? MOM! FITZ! DAD!" I felt the pain in my hand and I couldn't remember what happened.

Fitz ran into the room and rushed by my side, he held my hand tightly.

"Bi you're okay. You're safe, we're at Foxfire. Elwin's treating you in the quarantine wing," Fitz reassured me, and then my dad and mom came rushing into the room.

They pushed Fitz aside and my dad scooped me up into his arms.

"Daddy, what happened. Why does my arm hurt," I asked tiredly with a yawn.

Dad gave mom a worried look.

"Don't you remember what happened?" Dad asked, eyebrows creased in concern.

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