Chapter 3

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Agatha pov

I smile as I watch Rafa Nadal shake Sascha Zverev's hand at the net. It was a thrilling five set match and I was rooting for Rafa all the way. The last thing I want is to confront Sascha after our awkward last encounter.

I'm such a dork...

Walking out of Rod Laver Arena I look over the notes from the match that are possible questions for Rafa.

Honestly, I feel awful. Sascha is so nice and for the past two days it's all I've thought about. I don't want to imagine what his face looked like because I know what mine did. Although how can you feel so empty losing something you never had or only known for a few days?

The work day comes and goes and it was jam packed with interviews and editing. Not a sight of Sascha and surprisingly Jenna.

When I arrive back to the hotel I see her entering her room.

"Jenna!" I shout. She turns around and I run to catch up. "I was wondering if you were busy tonight. I've finished all the editing and thought we could watch a movie or something."

"Sure" she says before going into her room, leaving me alone in the hallway.

Okay, maybe that's a no instead... Did I do something to her? I haven't seen her since last night and we were laughing at bad television. Maybe she just misses her family.

Turning around I make my way to my room. Turning the water on I get in the shower and think about the whole Sascha situation. I don't know why it's bothering me so much. He's now out of the tournament and I don't have to feel awkward, although I do because my brain keeps replaying the words.

All because I freaked that a guy was flirting I ended up getting my words all messed up. Shit!

When I'm finished I sit on my bed, looking at my phone, with the tv on for back noise.

Calling my dad I check in on how everything is back home. To be honest I'm really missing it right now. I've never been away from home this long before. I'm such a daddy's girl to begin with.

I feel my eyes getting heavy during the conversation and tell him I'll call him tomorrow hopefully after an hour of talking. Hanging up it takes me only a few minutes before I'm asleep for the night.

Sascha pov

"I played a great match. Probably one of my best and I still didn't win. We need to go to the gym and train" I tell my brother Mischa.

"Woah Hercules, what got into you? Usually after a loss you just sit and analyze why are you trying to train. Take a break and breathe for a bit" he informs.

I let out a sigh of frustration. Why couldn't my body just wait thirty minutes to start cramping? I could possibly have beat Rafa which is a big task but I was on a good path. In all honesty I still think the frustration has something to do with Agatha.

She was such a nice girl and I thought she was liking me too. We would talk after interviews and I enjoyed our time together. I really thought she was too.

"Maybe I'll go on the bike and work on my legs" I stand up.

"Sasch. Sit your ass down and relax" Mischa is trying his hardest to not to punch me, even if he is on the other side of the room.

He stands up and walks out the room. Maybe I pissed him off to much. Fine by me.

A few minutes later the door opens and Mischa is back with mom, dad, and Jez Green, my fitness trainer.

"He just lost a match because he was cramping and now he keeps insisting on going down to the hotel gym. I'm trying to tell him to stop being stupid but he won't listen. Maybe one of you can get through to him" Mischa says, walking right over to his computer, leaving the new group to deal with me.

Oh no. Why did he get dad and Jez? Mom won't get too bad but dad and Jez will get angry.

"Alex you can't overwork your body or you'll get injured. I know you want to see results and you are seeing pretty good results but don't overdo it" Dad states. I internally roll my eyes, not wanting to hear this. They don't know the full story.

"That's it. You're going to do nothing tomorrow. You can sit in Mischa's box while he plays Andy but no working. You need a day or two of rest" Jez demands. I shake my head agreeing.

The next day

I sit in my brothers box as I hope to see the match done after this point. Mischa has match point against the world number one. I've never been more proud of him.

I watch the ball sail just wide and stand up, throwing my arms in the air, to show my support to my brother. The entire box is up.

Correction, THIS is the most proud I have been of my brother. He just took out the world number one at the Australian Open!

Agatha pov

"Do you feel you hold all the bragging rights against Sascha now? You are the first Zverev brother to play a quarterfinal of a grand slam" I question.

"No" Mischa chuckles. "He still beats me at everything else and is the better player I think. He still beats me in basketball and monopoly and everything else we play."

"You play Roger Federer next, what do you expect?"

"I expect a hard match. He is the best of all time and he has no expectations. He just spent the last six months out of the game and will go out swinging. If he loses, he had a great tournament for not playing for six months, if he wins that adds to the story" he says. I completely agree.

"Well best of luck to you" I say and turn the camera off.

I see he is still here. Is that just a common Zverev thing to do? Stay around when you should be gone?

I turn and give him a smile. "Excuse me, you said your name is Agatha? My brother said he really likes your work. Thought I would tell you to keep up the good work. I'm happy I got the chance to be interviewed by you" he smiled.

"Thank you both. When you see him next could you tell him I am so sorry for yesterday. I just had so much work to do" I lie but I need to let him know I'm sorry.

"Sure thing. Hopefully I get to see you again" he said hoping he wins his next match.

Sascha p o v

"Hey Sasch, I can see why you like that girl. She's very pretty." Mischa walks into my room. Why do I keep the door open to anyone on my team? "By the way she wanted me to tell you she was sorry she had so much work last night. I think she likes you just as much as you like her."

"Misch, stop." I demand.

He sits on my bed and watches basketball highlights with me.

"Seriously, she told me to tell you. That means it's weighing on her mind. I really think she was busy last night. Next time you see her you should ask her out again. You know if she says she is busy, then maybe she doesn't like you like that"

Maybe he is right...

Alright, next time I see Agatha, I'll ask her to dinner again. I really hope she likes me enough to say yes.

Sorry it took me forever to update but I just started college this week and I'm home for the weekend and had some free time. Tough loss for Sascha against Coric but he will learn and grow. I'm sure of it. At least Mischa is doing so well and I'm so proud of him too this US Open. Did you guys hear he is getting married? Sascha said Mischa will be getting married at the end of the season in an interview with Bethanie Mattek-Sands. So happy for him. I hope you enjoy this chapter I will try to update soon if I get the chance.


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