Arthit spotted the female lead May and Kong's best friend and male lead of the show, Aim along with the supporting casts Prink, Phana, Ming and Kit. (😁) He recognized them since he also watched the series as a show of support for Kongpob. Although the male celebrity was the reason he supported the series, he had the decency to know who the others were. He did truly enjoy the series.

He almost didn't let go of the shutter button when Kongpob made an appearance. The screams that filled the room was almost deafening but it did not register to him. His only goal that day was take lots of pictures.

Fuck! That smile again! Arthit was not letting any second to be missed and kept pressing the shutter button whenever Kongpob was in sight. He didn't bother to look at the result and just kept on clicking. Maprang who was beside him was having too much fun to notice anything other than the stars on stage.

Once in a while Arthit do take photos of the other celebrities but only when Kongpob was with them. It was only natural since the only reason he even came was of the model/actor.

After the introduction and another song, there was a short talk about thanking the fans of the show. Kongpob was the second lead on the show so the production had a little surprise to the fans. Since his character failed to get the female lead and was left brokenhearted at the end, they show decided to give him a happy ending in the fanmeet. Well.... it drove everyone insane.

The cast prepared a skit wherein Aim and May will be having their wedding. May had a veil and bouquet prop was Aim had a bowtie that looked silly as he was wearing the show's official white t-shirt merchandise. Kong was to give his congratulations to the newly wedded couple.

"I have a confession to make." Kongpob began. He looked so serious that you would think that he's filming the real deal.

He looked at May and held her free hand. It looked like he was going to steal the female lead like he did during the series. But then his words, told them that it was not the case.

"I lied when I told you that I liked you. It wasn't really you who I liked but I was afraid to be rejected. He's my friend, you see."


The audience screamed at the scenario. Some couldn't believe that they heard the actor correctly. Arthit thought he was hearing things.

On the background, Prink, Phana, Ming and Kit acted surprised by the revelation.

Kongpob released May's hand and held Aim's. Aim's eyes grew big, pretending to be shocked. The screams only got louder. In the background, Ming and Kit playfully pretended to be Kongpob and Aim.

"You were my sunshine Aim. I really thought you were the one for me and that only I should have you. I'm sorry I acted such a bad friend trying to ruin your relationship with May. I thought I loved you more than as a friend. As it turned out, I was wrong." There was something mischievous about the way the second lead smiled.

Phana then approached Kong and the couple. He intimately wrapped his arms around Kong's waist and rested his chin on the guy's shoulder. Phana was still a lot taller than Kongpob even though Kong was taller than an average Thai.

The intimate gesture had fangirls and fanboys screaming. Maprang looked like she lost her mind, jumping and holding the side of her head while keeping her eyes wide open, not wanting to miss a thing. Arthit almost threw his beloved camera. Thanks to the strap, the expensive equipment was safe in his hands.

Phana's character was May's character's older brother. Throughout the show, writers thought it would be fun to pit Kongpob's and Phana's character against each other. There were a lot of ambiguous scenes, R-15 comments and banters when the two are onscreen. Fans had even shipped their characters and created hundreds of fanmade videos of the two actors' roles.

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