Dr. Waffle's on the case!

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Opening Theme: Fist Bump

Waffle and co posed as a series of lights zoomed across the screen. One light then flew right at the camera, creating the "Kamen Rider Waffle" logo before then slapping the word "Super" at the end.

Waffle and Ivory were taking a nap somewhere. But were then awoken by a phone notification, at the sight of it the two smiled. Then a few shots of Paradox and other riders were shown. Wizard, Ex-Aid, Mach, just to name a few. Before ending with a shot of Waffle next to sillouhettes of Phantom, Ivory, Memory Waffle, and the Balance Breaker.

The scene cut to Taco, surrounded by darkness. And then, Shell appeared as giant in his Rider form! But he was quickly dispersed by the appearance of Waffle and an unknown figure. As Waffle crossed his arms and looked cocky, and the figure extended a hand for a high five. Taco accepted, and then the camera shifted to the two running. A sillouhette of Valkyrie and another unknown Rider running alongside them.

Bryan then appeared on screen, completing a rubix puzzle in seconds. A devious look appeared on his face before he rescrambled it, and then threw it to Waffle. Who looked at it like it was a ancient item.
Bryan then casually walked away, Oushi appearing next to him in all three forms.

A set of fists clashed! The camera panning outward to reveal Doughnut and Shinigami fighting. They broke away from each other. Doughnut then pointing at the machine, sillouhettes of Soul and Emblem appearing beside him. Pointing their respective weapons at Shinigami also.
The robot just smiled and proceeded to run at his opponent, silhouettes of Yami Zangestu and Mashin Kaijin appearing before disappearing, the Vanishing Dragon Balance Breaker then flying overhead.

Cut to a scene of all of the group transforming and proceeding to fight a group of enemies.

Shinigami drifted around the enemy group, and wrapped the stolen Drive Driver around his waist. And then a car dove into his Shift Brace. The Divine Dividing appeared on his back and shined a bright light, obscuring his next transformation.

Doughnut kicked away a grunt before pulling out a huge gashat. Once activated, it called forth a giant rift filled with crimson energy. Contrasted by azure lightning.

Three new people appeared near the battlefield. Then pulled out their own gear and transformed, going to assist Waffle and friends.

Waffle and Shini stood back to back in Balance Breaker. Fighting off a couple mooks before wind blew towards them. They turned to see a group of shadowy enemies. The entire team gathered and proceeded to do a group rider kick.

But thats for later, as the camera cut to the group getting ready for the picture. (Mostly, Shini looked like he wanted nothing to do with it.) And then it was taken with one last group pose! Along with, of course the group then doing a fist bump.

Waffle and Bryan battled Shinigami and the GrimRangers. Both of them some how ending up back at Foundation X one way or another.
Luckily for our heroes, Waffle and Doughnut 'teamed' up and managed to break free of their bonds, Doughnut using his new power of the Gamer Driver system to transform into Kamen Rider Emblem!
Taco had managed to convince Shinigami about what he had been thinking about for a long time, reveling. Which of course, led to him stealing a Drive-esc Driver. Taco managing to get a Sengoku Driver.
Meeting back up with Waffle, Taco transformed into Kamen Rider Valkyrie. They then managed to find Bryan. Along with Breezy and Taco's dad, Shell. Who was also with Dark Ivory Or Ivory Two Electric Bo- Anyways, Doughnut also showed up, giving Waffle and Bryan back their stuff in order for them to transform back into Phantom and Oushi.
They battled with Breezy and small army of Dopants, resulting in all of them getting defeated. However, Shell and Dark Ivory combined their powers, and transformed into Kamen Rider Dark Ivory Kaiser! He managed to defeat our heroes. Waffle then was able to activate the Eyecons, in order for him to get his wish, or wishes.
Which allowed him to return to life and, regain his Plot Convenience! He summoned Ivory and Phenix, along with Castle Irony. Waffle then transformed into, Kamen Rider Ivory once more and showed off what it means to be hero.
Defeating Shell, Waffle returned to the Castle. Finding out from Doughnut that the Foundation scientists was working on their own version of a Build Driver. Luckily, he stole the plans.
What will happen to our heroes now? Will luck finally be on their side?
When will Paradox get updated?!
Who am I even talking to at this point!
All this and on more, this Time on Kamen Rider Waffle Super!

Kamen Rider Waffle SuperOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora