Waffle's Eternal Suffering.

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Opening Theme: W-B-X

Feathers flew around the sky as Waffle suddenly flew out of a portal and down through the sky. The parka ghosts flew around him as he flew downwards. The feathers began to show previous scenes from Waffle's history before he saw one of him and Taco. He reached out to it, only for it to be swept away by the wind. He looked around him as portals to different worlds began to open around him. The eyecons for the respective worlds floated in front of them, but they were blacked out, expect for 3.

Bryan stood in a forest of the digital world surrounded by different Digimon left around before there was suddenly a loud roar, the trees beginning to shake as Bryan smiled before Waffle suddenly appeared and the Digimon ran off into the forest.

Shinigami and Breezy suddenly appeared in Tokyo as Waffle transformed into Phantom and ran at the duo. Bryan soon following afterwards as Shini and Waffle clashed their weapons together. Bryan then began firing at the two dark riders as Waffle transformed into Blast with the Ironblader in his hands. The navy hooded rider standing on a nearby rooftop as he watched, before gripping a Eyecon tightly.

Taco pressed her hand against the window of Castle Irony as Ivory and Phenix floated behind her with sadden looks. A portal suddenly opened as the Caste was suddenly sucked into it. Castle Irony suddenly appeared in the sky of Kuoh. Waffle wearing a school uniform, suddenly looking up the castle and smiling.

The group of eyecons that Waffle has collected so far floated in the air, before turning into their respective forms as Waffle then rode on the Machine Ivory through the Phantom Damashii and became Phantom before then screeching to a halt then finally grabbing the feather with him and Taco, as the title magical flew into view and shit.

Waffle and Bryan ended up in the world of Highschool DxD, where Waffle sang Stronger Then You with Ddraig. Issei gave him a pair of panties, Which Ddraig then turned it into a Eyecon. Then this weird guy named, Kamen Rider Soul fought waffle and try stealing his Eyecons AND DID HOLY SHIT. Luckily Waffle was able to escape with Bryan, the two found themselves in Castle Irony, along with Taco, in Fuuto! So now like, they gotta find Soul who sent them a message and get the eyecons back.

Castle Irony roared as it fly though the portal. [Who put a filter over the world.] Ddraig muttered as Waffle, who was standing on the top of the castle, looked over the city. "WAIT A SECO-" Waffle was then slapped across the face by Taco. "WHY ARENT WE HOME." She shouted as Waffle rubbed his cheek. "HOW SHOULD I KNOW, NERO?" Waffle blinked. "FUCK HE ISN'T HERE!" Taco then slapped him again. Because it's funny.

{So. Gonna make the wish?} Ivory asked as Taco and Waffle walked down the hallway of the Castle. "Have you not been paying attention, Soul has like all of them and I only have 2." Waffle's eyes wandered to the bat. {I can't count remember.} [And you wonder why I never show up when you need me.] Waffle groaned to himself. "That's why half the time you do, I say Fuck You Ddraig." Taco snickered to herself. "Sorry, Sorry. You three have such a loving relationship." Ddraig laughed. [Oh and like, You and Waffle are a great couple. You know, the standard troupe of the two acknowledging their feelings and not do anythi-] Ddraig was cut off as Taco grabbed Waffle's arm. "I WILL FUCKING END YOU RED DRAGON!" She proceeded to shake Waffle's arm. As Bryan and Phenix showed up in the hallway. (Are we interrupting something?) Taco immediately dropped Waffle arm. "I WILL END YOU TOO!" She shouted at Phenix who screeched and flew backwards. "Great you scared off the final form!" Bryan said, jokingly as he approached the two. "So any ideas why we're in Chicago?" [You did not just make that joke..] Ddraig said with a groan before shimmering away. "WELL. I got one idea." Waffle said, as he began walking off. "We say we have a lost turtle!"

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