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So. Where the fuck where we. OH RIGHT!

The Invss stared in confusion. "But they're not real! Kamen Riders aren't real!" Waffle laughed. "You think Kamen Riders aren't real! HAHAHAH!" Waffle pulled a memory out. "Time for you to meet my favorite!" Tapping the button on the USB it said. [WIZARDO!] Slamming his sword to the ground, he inserted the memory into the maximum drive slot. "Rider summoning! Wizard!" A standby noise played and he hit the button on the slot! There was a flash of light and the two of them were out side of the school. Expect for the fact that Waffle was on the roof with a man eating a doughnut. "OMGR I CANT BELIVE THAT WORKED!" While Waffle fanboyed, Haruto sighed. "Oh boy.." He put his doughnut back in the bag and took out a ring. [DRIVER ON. PLEASE!] "Henshin!" Flipping the goggles down on a red gem ring he placed his hand infront of the driver. [FLAME,PLEASE! HI HI HI!] A wizard circle appeared next to Haruto as it pass through him transforming him into his flame style. "Sa. Showtime!" Waffle's insides' had pretty much exploded from awesomeness. "WISNWJSJWBS. ALRIGHTY SEMPAI! LETS DO THIS!" Jumping down from the building with his sword in hand, Waffle began slashing. Haruto sighed as pulled the WizarSwordGun out from the Connect Portal. He also jumped down and began to slash as well. "YOU RIDERS!" Waffle snickered. "JUST WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK WE ARE! KAMEN RIDER WAFFLE!" "Kamen Rider Wizardo!" The two riders slashed the monster as he fell into the street. "Come Dragon!" [DRAGON RISE! Please!] Haruto's phantom flew out and attack the Invus. Waffle ran up spinning his sword and attack the Invus but got caught in a choke hold and dropped the Waffle Lockseed! "DONT YOU DARE!" He was thrown back into the school window. "Waffle!" [FLAME DRAGON! PLEASE! BO BO BO BO BO!] Turning into his all red form Haruto slashed the monster as it ate the lock sees turning into a giant form. "That. ASSHOLE!" The Dragon appeared once again as the monster grew huge. "Waffle!" Haruto drove by on his Motorcycle with his hand out. Waffle jumped on the back as the bike combined with Wizardragon. "Haruto let's finish this!" Taking out his own memory and inserting it into the Maximum Drive slot. [WAFFLU! MAXIMUM DRIVE!] [KICK STRIKE! VERY NICE!] Both riders jumped into the air, Haurto with his foot on fire and the Wizard dragon transforming. A bunch of waffles appeared in a line towards the monster. "HAAAA!" Both riders kicked ending the monster. "Phew....." Waffle sighed with relief as he dehenshined and wizard did the same. "You're just a kid!" Haruto stared at the 13 year old. "Eh. Never too late to be a Kamen Rider." Waffle hugged Haruto. "It's been a real Honer." He took out the wizard memory from his pocket and hit the button. [WIZAR-] The memory stopped. "Waht?!" He kept hitting the button. "I think you're stuck here Haruto."

Kamen Rider Waffle SuperWhere stories live. Discover now