Waffles May Indeed Cry

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Waffle span a pencil around as he waited for class to be over. Well, that was gonna be long considering class just started. Taco sat down across from him. "What's up with you?" Taco cocked her head as Waffle smiled. "Nothing." His eyes where drawn to something behind Taco. Taco sighed as she turned around and saw what or more like who Waffle was looking at. "Oh, her." The girl mumbled as she turned back. The girl who Waffle was looking at was named Breezey. Why Breezey, because I figured I should be using real names! Anywho. "Waffle I thought you liked Taco." Bryan said sitting down next to Waffle. "I'm conflicted." Taco sighed again hearing Waffle's words and grabbed his free hand. "You're mine rider boy you hear me?" The writer gulped. "Yes Ma'am.." Breezy glanced at Waffle and Taco before then giggling quietly.
After a 50 minute class of boringness, the class proceed to head to their next class. "I have consumer. Bryan what do you have?" Bryan sighed. "Study, you ask me this everyday Waffle." The other rider shrugged as he walked backwards. "I'm expecting it to change, Taco what about you?" The girl looked at him. "I have the same as Bry-Guy." Waffle sighed as he turned around and bumped into Breezey. "S-S-S-S-Sexy! I MEAN SORRY! I MEAN I- UM UM." The writer fumbled before running off to his next class. Breezey simply smiled. "He's always like that huh?" Taco growled. "The hell do you think?" Breezey held her hands up. "I was just asking Tori. God.." She muttered before walking off. "MY NAME IS TACO!" The female rider shouted as she looked at Bryan. "WHAT!" Bryan blinked. "Nothing."
"FOOOOOOOOOODDDD!" Waffle shouted as he sat down at his lunch table. Taco sat down across from him and stared directly at him. "Are you trying to steal my soul?" Waffle mumbled as he stared back at her. "No, I'm trying to see if can burn your eyes out." Waffle mouthed Oh as he dug through his lunchbox looking for food. He quietly growled to himself as his ex sat down a few spots down from Taco. Bryan appeared beside Waffle, sitting down next to him as the rest of the group came and sat down in their seats. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom." Waffle said, as he grabbed his lunchbox and and exited the cafeteria and into the hallway.
Waffle stretched as he entered the hallway from the bathroom as he was about to enter the bathroom when he felt a bullet whizz past his head. "Oh what now..." He waved his hand over his waist, summoning his Ghost Driver and span around taking out the Phantom Eyecon. "Wait, isn't that!" A white haired man in a red leather jacket slowly approached, pointing a silver gun at him. "Were you expecting someone else kid?" The man scoffed as he pulled out a black gun and fired rapidly at Waffle. "Henshin!" Waffle quickly pushed the button on the Phantom Eyecon and inserted it into his belt and pushed the lever in. [Kaigain! Phantom! Kakugo, Going GHOSTO! Going Going Going GHOSTO! Go! Go! Go!] The black and white hoodie flew in front of waffle blocking the shots before flying and attaching on to him. "Slashing! Shooting! All done at any speed really! Kamen Ridaaaaaaaa PHANTOM!" Waffle shouted before running at the man and summoning the GanGanScythe and swiping at him. The man quickly pulled out a sword and countered the rider's attack. "You're pretty good, shame I have to kill you!" The man shouted as he jumped backwards and slash downwards, sending energy slashes at Waffle. "Oh yeah? Try this!" [Kaigan! Darkus! Cho Kengou! The Dragon Swordsman, Lets, Lets Go!] The sleeveless purple hoodie flew on to Phantom as he then, folded the blade of the scythe upwards and detached the side of it, creating another sword. Waffle pulled the lever out and then pushed it in again. [DAIKAIGUN! DARKUS! OMEGA BURSTO!] The blades of the swords glowed purple as Waffle also slashed downwards, countering the man's slashes. "I never told you my name... It's Dante." The demon and human hybrid said as Waffle rubbed the back of his head. "See I already knew that!" Waffle swiftly then took out a another Eyecon and inserted it. [Kaigan! Diamond! Yo! Let's go here we go, Foxy gunslinging super-star!] A blue fox themed hoodie draped over Waffle, as he then reattached the other sword to the main one and then folded the main blade down creating a gun barrel, before folding the handle into a trigger position. He then rapidly fired at Dante. The hunter jumped backwards as a bit of dust appeared on him. Dante smirked, wiping dust off his jacket. "Y'know? I'm starting to enjoy this... But, lets see how you like it when I turn up the heat!" Red runes would appear around him, gauntlets appearing over his hands. The right fist then ignited, the devil hunter charging power for a couple seconds. "Oh that joke was terri- Gah!" Waffle's thought was intterupted by a lightning quick hook from Dante, who quickly followed up with straight punch to the jaw. He would then perform a roundhouse, his foot being covered in flames as he did so knocking the rider into a wall. Dante deciding now would be a good time for some commentary. "Where'd all your fire go?" Waffle groaned loudly at that. "All burnt out? Don't worry, its the natural reaction. Just be glad I didn't bring the other fire weapon... He's an annoying shit." Dante's form then shifted into a more demonic appearance, dark scaly skin and spikes on his feet and shoulders. "I've kept you waiting long enough." He started to charge a ball of fire in his right arm. "Lets finish this!" The charge reached its peak, Dante released it throwing it right at Phantom. Causing him to explode in a glorius torrent of flame. Dante smirked, turning back to normal and put away his gauntlets. "Well, time to find those X guys and get my cash. I saw a good joint earlier, I might order a pie fro-" He sensed something, turning around and aiming his twin guns. He looked at the fire, which he knew should have went out by now. Ifrit's flames never lasted long in his experience. And then he saw it, a glimmer of his eye. One of which he remembered would be the symbol pushed out by Waffle's belt when transforming. "Hm... Looks like your not going down easily." The flames turned white before dispersing.

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