This. This is the True Waffle!

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Waffle sat his computer desk tinkering with the Xross Brace and Driver. {Please make me stand straight up.} Ivory peeked over Waffle's shoulder as he worked. "Everything's done there. Is there anyway the driver could just appear when you bite me?" Ivory plopped on to the desk looking at the adjustment Waffle had made to the belt. {SWWWEEEET. A perch on the belt. And you reused parts from the brace to make the perch and the connecters?} Waffle nodded before stepping out of his chair and grabbing the new belt. "I might as well call it the Ivory Belt now." Ivory sighed. {Waffle are you al-} Waffle suddenly screeched in pain. "GRAAAAAAAAAAAHHH." He held his head and suddenly fell to the ground. Ivory darted towards him. {OI OI WAFFLE! WAFFLE! WAFFLE!} Mama Waffle came down the stairs and gasped before yelling to Sister Waffle to call 911.

Waffle's heart monitor beeped as he laid in a bed. With Bryan and Taco pacing outside the room. "HE DIED LAST WEEK COME ON." Bryan shrugged. "I guess he likes reusing plot elements." The nurse stepped out of the room. "You can see him know." Bryan and Taco nodded before stepping in. Ivory stared at Waffle from the table he stood on. {This is my fault...}

~The mind of a fanboy~

"Is this?" Waffle aimlessly floated around a black space trying to look around. In the distance he heard screaming, and he could make out the words. "FINAL... FUUUUUUSSIOOOOON!" His ears twitched for a moment. "Guy?" He closed his eyes for a moment and suddenly he was moving towards the screaming. he arrived at the sound and looked. It was a foggy projection of him watching a Episode of the King Of Brave, GaoGaiGar. "I remember that. That's when I first started watching GaoGaiGar.... But why am I-" The projection vanished as another played behind him. "FINISHING MOVE... GIGAA DRILL BREAKERRRE!" His eyes light up with glee. "Simon!" Waffle turned around quickly to see Gurren Lagann finishing his attack. That projection also vanished. "What is-" Suddenly the black space distorted around him. "What? GAAAAAAH!" A blinding white light flashes.

Waffle suddenly shot up out of his bed. He panted as he looked around his basement bedroom. "I'm.... it was probably a bad dream..." He got up out of bed getting dressed. He had somehow woken up at five am. Which gave him a hour before getting ready for school. He quickly showered and got dressed before grabbing his laptop and phone before heading upstairs. "Ivory?" He said darting his eyes around the house. Nothing. His mother and sister were home, his dad at work. He asked them if they had seen his bat companion. They both said no. "He's probably off Kivat figuring out a way to connect the Ivory Belt to himself." He muttered. Waffle checked his Facebook, He looked his profile. "Did someone change my name?" His name had been changed from Waffle to his actual name. "I didn't... I don't use that name..." He shrugged it off being a glitch or something.

Waffle stepped outside his home and looked around. The Machine Ivory no where to be seen. "I thought i... Eh probably at the Castle." He stepped on the bus and popped in his earbuds.

/Go-Go-Go for it! Go Go Go!\

The ToQger theme blasted in his ears as he watched the streets and houses go by. They stopped at a certain person's house and Waffle peeked his head out of his seat to just make sure that person wasn't there. "There's his sister.. His brother... Annd. No him." The familiar sound of a motorcycle made him dart his eyes towards the window.

It, was Nick... On the Machine Ivory. "WAIT. WHAT!" He opened his bag quickly taking out the morphing brace he had in case of not having Ivory near by. [ITS MORPHING TIME!] "Let's Morphin!" Waffle pushed the button on the side inwards and... His suit didn't form. "W-W-WHAT!" He held his arm out. "BOOSTED GEAR!" Nothing.

Waffle arrived at school finally. He figured he was just day dreaming. "No way he could be back..." He walked over to his group. "So did you guys hear about-" They stopped as they saw him approach. "What. No seriously." Bryan stepped forward, and slugged waffle across the face sending him to the ground. "DUDE!" Waffle wiped the blood from his nose. Nick appeared. "What did you do? You stole my bike!" Waffle jumped to his feet. "Your bike? It's my bike!" Waffle smirked. "Listen up dipshit I get a few words to say." He span around. "Slashing! Shooting! Beating! All done at a certain speed! And the roll call is different EVERYTIME! KAMEN RIDAAAAAAA IVORY! ITS ABOUT TO GET MURDEROUS." Nick laughed. "First you steal my bike and now my roll call?" Waffle growled. "THAT IS MY BIKE, THOSE ARE MY FRIENDS, MY ROLL CALL!" Nick held his hand into the air. "Bat." Waffle shook his head. "No. No. No." Ivory flew in between the two. "Ivory its me Waffle!" The bat turned and looked at Waffle. "BAT. TRANSFORM NOW." Ivory began shaking. {NO! YOU'RE NOT MY FRIEND! HE IS.} Waffle smirked. "Ivory... Lets make this murderous!" Suddenly black tendrils appeared from the ground and stabbed themselves into Ivory. "IVORY!" Waffle scream and managing to pull his friend from them. "You alright?" {THE HELL DO YOU THINK?} The black tendrils began forming themselves into something, a black bat. {FINALLY! TOOK YA LONG ENOUGH!} "WAIT WAIT. Are you Dark Ivory or Ivory the Second?" The Black Ivory pondered for a moment. {Dark Ivory. Considering I wasn't convinced naturally.} Waffle nodded. "Okay then. THE HELL ARE YOU!" {Waffle-Chan he's me. Or all of my evil emotions..} Nick manically laughed. "Doesn't matter to me!" Waffle growled. "Ivory... Let's finish him!" The area around the four shattered leaving them floating in that aimless black space. {GABU!} {GABU!} Ivory quickly flew around Waffle biting his neck and then sliding into his hand. Dark Ivory quickly bit Nick's hand as he screamed in pain. Waffle looked around him seeing his his life. His first battle as Kamen Rider Waffle, with Haruto. Another memory popped up, The first time he met Taco. He giggled for a moment. "Henshin!" He shouted. Waffle attached Ivory to the perch on the belt and pulled him backwards fully attaching him. Soundwaves began pulsing forming the True Ivory suit. "This. This is the true Ivory!" Gold lines flowed through his suit. His scarves were now a single one. "Transform...." Nick attached Dark Ivory to his belt and transformed into a black, red, and gold version of True Ivory but his helmet had wings instead of the V Crest. "You're going down!" Waffle raised his arm, the boosted gear shimmering into place. [BOOST!] Nick growled taking a Fluestle from his belt and inserting it into Dark Ivory. {WAKE UP 2!} Energy swirled around his fist. "Hell Storm....." Waffle took out his own Wake Up Fluestle and inserted into Ivory's mouth. {YUMMY! WAKE UP!} [BOOST! EXPLOSION!] "Hell Burst Punisher!" The chains around his leg broke as he shot a ball of energy from the Boosted Gear at Nick, causing him to be distract while Waffle jumped in the air and flew towards him. Their attacks collied causing the black space to start cracking. "See you.. in the real world..." Nick said before the space around them shattered.

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