The Rotten Waffle.

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Bryan and Taco rode their bikes down the street auguring. "MY FAULT? YOUR THE ONE WHO STOLE HIS OLD BELT!" Bryan shouted. Tori halted. "HE DIDNT NEED IT ANYMORE. AND PULSE YOU LIVE THE CLOSEST TO HIM. SO BITE ME. AND WE'RE GONNA BE LATE SO HURRY UP." She revved her bike and passed Bryan.

They, were heading back to school.

{LET US GO! AND WHERE IS WAFFLE!} Screamed a voice inside a dark laboratory. "He's fine. Just getting a little Shock. To his system..." Said another voice. "In the mean time. Tell me. What are you made of." The voice continued. They looked at the robotic bat inside of a clear reinforced box. {IM MADE OF LET ME OUT HERE!} Shouted the bat. The person sighed. "Wrong answer Ivory." Pushing a button a electric shock was deliver. {AGHHHH!}

Waffle blinked as he woke up. "Alright who wants their ass kicked..." He muttered. Looking around, he found he was chained to a wall. "REALLY A WALL? ORIGINAL MATERIAL HERE GUYS!" He tried to break free but his hands were released automatically and so were his legs. "SEE I TOLD YOU I WOULD-" {INCOMING ROBOTIC BAAAAAT!} Shouted a voice from the calling as it opened up, and Ivory, the Xross Belt and Brace falling with him. "I GOT YOU!" Waffle quickly ran catching Ivory and the items. The calling them closed again. "Where the fuck are we." Said waffle looking around and strapping on his transformation devices. {I've got a bad feeling about this.} Ivory looked around. Then pistons where heard as the floor opened up and figures came up from it. "Who the hell?" [DRIVE! TYPE NEXT! CHANGE KICK/PUNCHHOPPER! ETERNAL! DARKNESS ARMS! THE GOLDEN FRUIT! JIMBA LEMON! WAHA! LUPIN! DRAGON ENERGY ARMS! SAME, KUJIRA, OOKAMIUO!] Announced a multitude of voices. Waffle crossed his arms over his eyes as light filled the room. Waffle looked to see a group of Dark Riders. "Dark Drive, Kick and Punch Hopper, Eternal, Jam, Yami Gaim, Lupin, Tyrant, RYUGA! AND FUCKING POSEIDON. No.... DARK KIVA TOO." Waffle was stunned. But a figure walk through the group. "You're..... No.... You can't be." The figure laughed as he stepped closer into the light. He was wearing a black leather jacket, black shoes, black pants, but he was wearing a dark red shirt under his jacket. "After, imperfection.... I am the Perfect version of you. A exact replica. But a Mirror. Like Ryuga over there... But much better. But for the time being. Call me.... Dark Waffle." He smirked pulling out a Sengoku driver. "NO WAY} Shouted both Ivory and Waffle. Dark Waffle attached the driver to his waist and pulled out two black objects. "Does this look familiar?" He asked hitting the buttons on the objects. [MELON! MELON ENGERY!] Dark Waffle attached the two things to his belt. [LOCK ON!] A guitar solo played as he posed. "Hen- SHIN!" Cutting the locks with the knife on the side of the belt the two opened. [MELON ARMS! TENKA GOMEN! JIMBA MELON.... WAHA!] Transforming into a black Version of Kamen Rider Zangestu. He stared Waffle down. "Like it? I think I'll call it Yami Zangestu. Or Dark Waffle... Whatever you prefer." A Muso Saber and Sonic Arrow appeared in his hands. "Now...... DIE!" The group of evil riders ran towards waffle. "Well. I had a good run." Fangire marks appeared around his face. {Yep....} Ivory bit waffle neck and flew into his hand. "Henshin." He inserted Ivory into the Xross Brace.


He stood there transforming as attacks flew towards him. "This is it... This is how I go." Waffle ran towards the the group and punched Dark Waffle in the stomach. They quickly circled around him. [DARKUS KATANA! AND DIAMOND MAGNUM!] The weapons flew into his hands transforming his arms. <HOLY THATS ALOT OF BAD GUYS!> /WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO!\ His weapons shouted to him as he fought. Blocking attacks. "I'm sorry....." He threw the weapons back through their portals. <WAFFLEEEEE!> /STOP YOU NEED OUR HELP.\ He laughed and look towards as they were about to be sucked in. "I can't let you guys die here..." <WAAAAAAAFFLEEEEEEEE!\ They both screamed that the portals closed. Yami Zangestu looked at him. "Imperfect as Always." [MELON SQUASH! JIMBA MELON SQUASH!] Both of his weapons glowed as he ran towards waffle. {WAFFLE? WAFFLE PUT THE THING IN! WAFFLE!} Waffle unattached Ivory and looked him. "Sorry buddy....." Tapping a button the Brace a Portal opened behind him. His transformantion canceled as he three Ivory and his gear into it. {WAFFLE NO!}

"DIE!" Dark Waffle stabbed Waffle through the chest and then slashed him again. Waffle fell to the ground. "I guess I wasn't good enough to save this world......." He was Gone..

Waffle was Dead....

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