The Dark Waffle Rises

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"Is this...." Our hero woke up by a stream. "I should be dead... Again." He got up and looked around. Blood dripped from his chest. "Shit...." Waffle limped towards the stream and cleaned the blood off. "So. You're dead too?" A voice said from behind him.

{AHHHHHHH!} Ivory crashed into Bryan's window and smashed into his wall. "Ivory?!" Bryan took off his headphones and picked up the bat, dusting him off. "What happened and where's Waffle!" {Foundation X happened.... And W-Waffle...} Tears started to swell up in the bats' optics. "Ivory? Don't tell me?" {He's gone...} Bryan punched his wall in anger. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE'S GONE!" As Ivory went through the story of how Waffle died Bryan called Tori and let her hear it as well.

"I've died before Old Man. and the last time I did I lived." Waffle said as he snapped his fingers and new clothes replaced his damaged ones. The old man laughed. "Well you're dead this time. Buuut. There is a way you could defeat your dark counterpart." Waffle's jacket pocket glowed as he took out a eye looking object. "How in the..." The sides of the object turned silver as he held it. "Okay.. This is eye opener ..." The old man faceplamed at Waffle's joke. "Listen. Dark Waffle has claimed your spirit. And to get it back you must defeat him, so that thing is the last remaining thing of your essence if you will." The old man said snapping his fingers and a strange belt appearing around Waffle's waist. "TOY SALES." Waffle shouted as he pushed the button on the Eyecon as the image on the Eye changed to the letter P in white and he opened the top of the belt, inserted the Eyecon and closed it again. [EEEEYYE! WATCH CLOSEY! WATCH CLOSEY!] Waffle brought his arms out to the side, with both pointing two fingers out and then crossed his arms. "Henshin!"


Tori and Bryan stepped off there bikes and began walking towards the front door of the school. "I can't believe this..." Tori had been crying for the past two days. "It's all my fault..." Maniacal laughter was heard behind them as the rest of the students went into the school. Bryan and Tori span around to see. "W-W-Waffle?!" They both shouted as the leather jacket wearing supposed Waffle snapped his fingers and multiple explosions occurred around the school. "HAHAHAHA!" Bryan grabbed the Bull Zecter from the air and strapped it to his wristbrace. "Henshin!" [HENSHIN! CAST OFF! CHANGE ANT!] "Clock Up!" Bryan vanished as Tori strapped on her lost driver. "You...." Dark Waffle laughed as a strange gun appeared in his hand. "That hand me down was boring, I got myself a new toy." He pushed the barrel of the gun onwards and held it down. "Hen.....shin!" A electric guitar solo was heard as he aimed the gun upwards and fired. [DARKNESS UP!] Black and Silver armor formed around him as he transformed. "The Chaser system?!" Tori said as she took out her memory. [AQUARIUS!] "How did you get that!" She shouted as she inserted her memory and started running towards Dark Waffle. "I think... Kajin Rider Darkness works." he aimed his Gunner at Tori and fired rapidly at her. "Henshin!" [AQUARIUS!] blue and silver armor formed around her and bounced the shots off. [PUNCH!] The darkness gunner slammed into Aquarius' bo staff. "Pathetic." Dark Waffle said as he kick her off her feet. Taco laughed as she flipped backwards and took out a new memory. "I didn't just one of the Zodiac memories.I took all of them!" [CAPRICORN!] she switched the Aquarius memory for this one and transformed once again as grey and blue armor replaced the old. Her bo staff disappeared as giant hammer appeared in her hands. "Nice nice. Try this!" Dark waffle shouted as a silver car flew into his hand and he inserted it into the top slot of his gun. [TUNE! DARKNESS FALCON!] Wings sprouted from his back and he flew into the sky and started shooting again. Tori tapped the side of her helmet. "BRYAN. Where are you!" [CLOCK OVER!] Oushi appeared next to her with his suit burnt a little. "Sorry. But everyone's out. and the fire department's on the way. The best we can do is hold him off." [CAST OFF!] announced the Oushi extender as it suddenly transformed into a flying gilder of sorts. "I did not know it could do that." Bryan said as he jumped on to it and Tori followed. "GREAT NOW THE ANT IS HERE! IM GONNA FUCKING SQUASH THE BOTH OF YOU!" Dark Waffle shouted as he flew towards them. "Ready?" Bryan said as he pulled out his Kunai Gun. "You know it." Tori replied spinning the hammer in her arms. "BRING IT!" They all flew towards eachother. Quickly, Bryan and Tori flipped off the gilder and over Dark Waffle as Bryan shot him and Tori smashed his back with her hammer. The Kajin rider crashed into the ground below. [TUNE! DARKNESS SCORPION!] The wings on Darkness' back transformed and the parts moved down to the arm which he was holding the gunner with. A large beetle shaped fore-guard with horns sprouted from the top of his forearm. "PINCH PINCH." [ARIES!] Tori jumped down from the Oushi Glider as the grey and blue armor transformed into red and silver. As her hammer disappeared twin guns appeared in her hands. "IM GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU!" Bullets flew towards Dark Waffle. "BRING IT ON!" Dark Waffle span around using his beetle horns as a shield he raised it up and bounced the bullets away. Flames burned around Tori as she and Dark Waffle fought. "TACO CALM DOWN!" Bryan shouted as he flipped from the Gilder and kicked Dark Waffle. [TUNE! DARKNESS... ANACONDA!] The horns of the Stag Guard combined together and dropped down to the ground becoming a snake shaped whip made of liquid medal. "I FEEL LIKE INDINA JONES!" Dark Waffle shouted as he attacked the two riders, throwing them into the destroyed school building. [AQUARIUS!] turning back into her water based form Tori got up. "We can't keep going like this..." Bryan said as he got up. "We need..." He ran up the stairs to next floor and Tori followed. "We need what?" She said as the two walked into the library. "First. block the entrance." [CAPRICORN! MAXUIM DRIVE!] Tori inserted the memory into her Bo staff and slammed the Bo staff into the ground, creating a wall of solid steel in the door way. "That should hold him." Ivory flew through a portal into the library. {IM GONNA STAB THAT SON OF A BITCH.} Tori sighed. "Ivory... none of us can host the Xross system."

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