The End of A Waffley Era

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Waffle sighed as he walked of his school with a sigh as Ivory flew beside him before the Machine Ivory appeared at the side road leading to the back exit of the school. {Something Wrong buddy?} (Yea, you've seemed kind of weird for this past few days..) His two companies said as he grabbed his helmet from the handle bars of the bike and shook his head.

Music Cue, We think, therefore we are.

"It's nothing, just cue the opening credits that I decide to write in for this chapter!" The rider shouted happily as he rode off, the title of Kamen Writer Waffle appearing before a Z was abruptly added to the title as it shimmered away, the credits continued.

Waffle sat in class, tapping his pencil to the beat of the music as he glanced at the camera and smiled, the reflection from his glasses revealing it was the ones holding it were Ivory and Phenix. His scene quickly changes to him sitting in his room typing away on his cellphone as he looks up and runs out the door, his two companions following him. The scene quickly changes to Bryan sitting at his desk chair solving a Rubix Cube as he glanced at the camera and waved it off as he glanced to the floor smiling at the Bull Zecter before letting fly into his hand as he ran out of his bedroom. Taco stretched as she closed the book she was reading, glancing at the camera and smirking. She looked at her pocket, her phone receiving a text for Waffle about a monster attack before grabbing her Lost Driver and Gaia Memory from a nearby table as she walked out the door from her living room and sighing as she turned and looked at it. A few images of Waffle's friends appeared for a moment as he rides through his city, images from his favorite moments of any tv show he has loved appearing as he rides through ghost's epic motorcycle transformation from episode 16. He smiled quickly at a another image of his friends before frowning as he continued on his way.
We see some Waffle's favorite riders as Gaia Memory Waffle and Phantom jumped down and join them as he arrived at the monster attack. Waffle stepped off his bike as his other two friends arrived as he fixed his hair accordingly. Ivory and Phenix flew down, Ivory biting Waffle neck as Bryan and Taco attached their respective transformation items as white chains surrounded waffle's waist before forming his belt as Ivory flew into his hand. "Henshin!" The three shouted as they transformed before dashing at the monster. Waffle jumped over a monster's attack, summoning the Darkus Katana as he slashed downwards at it. He followed through the rest of his weapons as he then raised his hand to the air, summoning Phenix, transforming into Kaiser Form. Three other riders stood atop a nearby building, one being that blue rider from the last chapter. Dark Waffle, now known as Shinigami as the hooded rider also from last chapter scoffed and walked out. Shinigami laughed as he followed after him. The three riders below jumped backwards as they activated their finishers. Oushi and Aquarius going into their powered up forms. Energy blades sprouted from the sides of waffle's shins as he jumped into the sky, Oushi vanished as he began to rapidly slash the monster at hyper speed using clock up as Taco held the monster and slowly crushed it using the earth manipulation of Taurus. The moon appeared in the sky as Waffle flew towards the beast, his feet then making contact with the monsters body as he rapidly kicked it and the blades on the sides of his shins began rapidly stabbing it as he then back flipped from it as he slowly walked away, as he said the magic words. "And that's game!" Waffle shouted as he snapped his fingers, the monster exploded. The three canceling their transformations as Taco then says something to Waffle, causing Bryan to then start laughing as they rode off, the title Kamen Writer Waffle Z appearing once more before disappearing into sparkles.
[Kaigan! Nero! Blue Rose, Red Queen, DEVIL BRINGER!] Phantom jumped backwards, in blast Damashii before switching to Nero, a blue and red hoodie draping over him as he switch the Ironblader to it's gun form and summoned the Blue Rose to his hand as he fired rapidly at the group of monsters around him. "FOR THE LAST TIME. WHERE ARE THEY!" The rider shouted, doing his best batman voice as he continued his barrage of shots. [TUNE. KAIJIN FALCON!] Shinigami suddenly flew past him firing a barrage of bullets from his gunner, Waffle narrowly dodging them as he countered with his own. "YOU!" They both shouted as they dashed towards each other, waffle switching the Ironblader to sword mode, and summoning the Red Queen to his hand as he jumped and slashed downwards at Shinigami. The fake waffle raised his arm up in defense countering the slash. "TOUGH SHIT WAFFLE!" Shinigami shouted before firing directly into Waffle's chest, sending him flying backwards into the crowd of monsters. The rider's transformation ended as he groaned in pain. "F-Fuck you.... Where are my friends!" He shouted as the dark rider laughed and walked over to him, the monsters parting a way from him. "This power..." A golden viral flew into hand as he took out the Falcon one from the gunner. "Is gonna make me rampage..." He muttered as he inserted it. [TUNE! TRICERATOPS! SUPA KAIJIN UP.] Golden armor swirled around him replacing the black portions of his suit. Spikes appeared on his forearms as Waffle stood up taking out the Vergil Eyecon. "Fine.. Let's dance faker.." He inserted the Eyecon into his ghost driver as he pulled the lever out and ran towards Shinigami. [EYEEEE! WATCH CLOSELY! WATCH CLOSELY!] "Henshin!" He pushed the lever inwards as he jumped over another barrage of shots from Shinigami as the Vergil Hoodie danced in front of him, blocking the rest as the blast suit formed around him, before the hoodie flew on to him. [KAIGAN! VERGIL! FOOLISH DANTE! THE DARK ANGEL!] The Yamato and Ironblader flying into his hands.

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