"Wh... What is this?!" I demanded.

"Years ago, I defeated Giovanni, the boss of Team Rocket, and as a result, he disbanded the organization," he explained. "But he eventually revived Team Rocket and resumed their operations of taking over the world."

Giovanni... I lost my battle against him when he tried to take over the Unova region, but he became possessed and almost destroyed everything.

He continued, "When I received this acceptance letter, I found it suspicious for a school to be sending me this kind of information because my actions against Team Rocket was supposed to be classified information."

"And that's why you want to investigate the school?" I asked.

"Yes... but I should've realized that this whole thing was a trap."

He looked at me with a grim expression.

"When I arrived to the island, I was drugged by someone and I woke up blindfolded and strapped to a table. I didn't know what happened to me, but this Pokemon helped me escape from my captors."

I glanced at his intimidating Pokemon, but why do I have a feeling that I met it before?

"Kizuna Academy was just a cover up for something big that will take place soon. However, I don't have all the details and I can't do this alone," he explained.

"So what do you want me to do?" I asked.

"Since I can't reveal myself to the public, I'll need your assistance to investigate the school while I'll continue to do my own investigation on the island. Will you accept this request, Ash Ketchum?"

I don't know if I should trust this person, especially his claims about his confinement. But it never crossed my mind that there was something strange about this place.

And I still haven't found that person.

"I'll accept your request, but why did you choose me to help you?" I inquired.

I couldn't get a good look of his face well, but his distinctive red eyes can be seen through his mask, pondering on how to reply to my question.

"Because... we're the same, Ash Ketchum," he answered and started walking away.

"Hey, wait a minute!" I shouted.

I chased after him, but his Pokemon stopped me by using Psychic.

"I have another thing to say to you," he stopped. "You should be careful around a Pokemon named Zygarde."

"Who's Zygarde?" I questioned.

"Zygarde is the overseer of the Kalos region. And he's part of a dangerous experiment for the mastermind's plan."

Before I could ask more about Zygarde, he vanished.

"Wait! I don't even know what Zygarde looks like!"


"Wait!" I screamed.

I sit up and checked my surroundings, realizing that I was still at the beach. I noticed Serena was sitting beside me with a worried expression.

"Are you alright, Ash?! You were screaming," she said concernedly.

"Oh, it's just a bad dream," I scratched my head and it started to throb painfully. "Ugh... my head hurts... I really had it coming from Misty's paper fan."

Pokemon Academy: Bonds of Love (Amourshipping)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ